Truly, My Deepest Apologies!

Seeing Noah make a powerful entrance, the vast army of H country stirred with commotion. Casey family's young master, Zhao, pointed at Noah from afar, exclaiming to the Casey family head beside him, "Father, look!"

Observing Noah's calm and collected demeanor in the face of a million-strong army, without showing any fear, the head of the Casey family nodded in approval, "This man has some courage, a talent indeed. It would be great if he could serve our Casey family, what a pity..."

Facing a million-strong army alone is not something ordinary people can do; it requires grandeur. In ancient times, this would have made him a warrior among warriors.

The head of the Casey family harbored thoughts of recruitment.

However, given the current situation, it was clear that the heads of the other three families would not allow him to have his way.