Salvaging Sunken Ships, The New World Approaches

The survivors had no idea what Noah had actually done. He made the ghost pirate fleet disappear without a trace, just like some people's special abilities and resources had vanished before. Everyone didn't think too much about it or dwell on the inconsistencies. Sometimes, what doesn't make sense can be forcefully rationalized. After all, they were still human, while some among them were no longer human, merely resembling humans. A bit of absurdity was normal.

With the disappearance of the ghost pirates, the survivors also lost their biggest threat. Therefore, in the last phase of the third Apocalypse, life was relatively easier. Apart from dealing with some fierce avian predators living on the islets and the terrible weather, there were no other threats. Relying on the seaweed, mussels, and fish near the reef areas, the survivors' basic food needs were largely met.