The Yeti Vlarump, A Clash of Races

Noah was well aware that there were Yeti ambushes in the snowy mountain region.

He pretended not to notice, continuing to lead the survivor group straight forward.

The Yetis wanted to ambush and hunt.

Coincidentally, Noah was thinking along the same lines.

He wanted to bring the entire Yeti tribe to the boundary lands.

Although the Yetis weren't particularly bright, they had robust physiques, explosive strength, and formidable combat capabilities. A few of them even possessed ice and snow-related abilities, which were comparable to those of S-rank awakeners.

Moreover, the Yetis were numerous, numbering at least several million.

If he could tame and take them along, they would represent a significant military force.

The interior of the boundary lands was highly chaotic, with numerous strong entities. It was not easy to establish a foothold there.