The Semi-Mechanical Life Form

Level: 168

Position: High-tier Ascender

Life Form: Semi-Mechanical Life Form

Chassis Serial Number: None

Wealth: 960 Billion

Supernatural Ability: Unurged Blade

Life Technique: Consciousness Manifestation

Mechanical Skills: Functional Armor, Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Data Calculation, Emotion Simulation.

This is the character panel of the King of Red Jade.

Others might not notice, but Noah sees everything clearly.

From the detailed panel of the King of Red Jade, it's apparent that she is not a human in the true sense but a semi-mechanical life form, essentially a robot.

And she is a robot that exudes an air of peculiarity in every aspect.

Hearing Noah's words, Red Jade Janice paused slightly, her smiling face freezing.