Her new personal chef

The two demons grabbed me by the arms and dragged me out of the shed. I clutched my corndogs tightly, refusing to let them go. They were mine, and I wasn't going to share them with anyone.

"Hey, let me go, you big bullies!" I shouted, struggling to free myself. "What do you want from me?"

"Shut up, human, you're coming with us," one of them said, his voice deep and menacing. " The queen whant everyone out."

"The queen? What queen?" I asked, confused.

"You'll find out soon enough," the other one said, smirking. "She's waiting for you in the banquet hall."

They dragged me to the banquet hall, where I saw a scene of horror and chaos. The guests were all huddled together in a corner, surrounded by more demons. Some of them were crying, some of them were praying, and some of them were just staring blankly. They looked terrified and hopeless.

I saw Mrs Flinch among them, her glasses broken and her hair messy. She looked like she had been through a lot, but she still managed to smile when she saw me. 

I still had my corndogs in my hands. Mrs Flinch looked at me in despair, as if she couldn't believe I was holding that in that kind of situation.

"Even in this kind of situation you have to keep eating," she said with a sigh, and I couldn't help smiling. She knew me well enough to know that food was my comfort and my coping mechanism.

"Well, when I'm stressed I eat, it helps me feel better," I said, trying to sound casual, but my voice was interrupted by a loud and menacing clearing of the throat, amplified by a magic microphone.

I turned my head towards the source of this voice, It was a demoness with white hair and red eyes, who stood on a raised platform above the crowd. She had horns on her forehead that curved slightly backwards, and her skin was brown, like rich chocolate.

She wore a simple red shirt that hugged her curves, and black trousers that matched her boots. She looked super hot, but also super scary. Her eyes glowed with a sinister light, and her lips curled into a wicked smile. 

Zain and Zara wove their way through the crowd of people and joined me. They were my best friends, and we had been inseparable since I came here. Zara's eyes landed directly on my corndog, which I was still holding in my hands.

"I want some, Leora, please," she said, looking at me with doe eyes, but I didn't have time to speak before the demoness spoke.

"Well, now you're all here," she said with a little authority, as if she was addressing a bunch of unruly children. "I hope you're ready to face your fate."

"We didn't ask to be here," shouted a young nobleman, who had been one of the most popular and arrogant guys . He had a defiant look on his face, but as soon as the demon queen heard him, she threw a sword of purple flames in his direction and killed him instantly.

The crowd gasped and screamed, and I felt a chill run down my spine. The demon queen had just killed someone without hesitation, and she seemed to enjoy it.

"Well, is there anyone else who would like to interrupt me?" she said, looking around with a smirk. A silence fell, no one dared to speak. We were all too afraid of what she might do next.

"A woman in your midst has stolen one of my sister's jewels, so I condemn you all to die," said the demon queen in a very nasty tone, and everyone started to panic. 

But I didn't. I didn't dare. I was too shocked and scared to move. I just stood there, clutching my corndogs, hoping that this was all a nightmare. Well, I'd already died once, so I don't think it would make much difference. I hit Zara's hand as she tried to take one of my corndogs. 

"I said no, Zara, that's mine and nobody else's," I said, holding my corndog away from her, but she jumped on me to try and take one.

"Let me have some," she said, struggling and screaming, then the demon queen turned to us with a look of annoyance and curiosity.

"You two at the back, what are you doing?" she said, pointing at us. She had noticed our commotion, and she didn't seem to like it.

"Er, nothing," I said with an unnatural smile, hoping that she would leave us alone.

"What are you holding in your hand?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. She snapped her fingers, and I felt a jolt of magic. I was teleported next to her, leaving Zain and Zara behind. She looked me up and down, and I felt a wave of fear and embarrassment.

"It smells good, what is it?" she asked, looking at the corndog in my hand. She seemed intrigued by it, and I saw a glimmer of hope.

"This is food, do you want to taste?" I said, through my teeth. I hoped that she would like it, and maybe spare us.

"I'll warn you right away, poison has no effect on me," she said, as if she could read my mind. She took the corndog from my hand, and bit into it. She chewed silently, and I held my breath. Then she flashed a big smile, and I felt a surge of relief.

"It's delicious, are you the one who prepared it?" she asked, and I nodded yes. Thanks to my great cooking.

"Accept my offer to come and work as my personnal chef and I'll spare your people," she said, holding out her hand as if she wanted me to shake it to complete the contract. She was offering me a deal, and I didn't know what to do.

"No, I found her first," Zain shouted, as he climbed onto the platform we were on and pulled me away from her. 

The demon queen, as before, threw a sword of fire at Zain, but he dodged it. He was agile, but also reckless.

"Take her, I'm sorry to have bothered you," he said, as he pushed me towards the demon queen. 

"Well, now that there's no one to disturb us, will you accept?" she asked me, with a more serious air. She seemed to be sincere, but also manipulative.

I looked at her, and then at Zain and Zara, who were watching me with fear and hope. I had a choice to make, and I didn't have much time. I'd been here for two weeks and then I got used to living here and they treated me well, so I suppose I can at least do them this favour.

I actually had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I had already died once, and I was ready to live again.

"I accept," I said, as I took the demon queen's hand, which was surprisingly warm and soft. She smiled, and I felt a spark of magic.

"I appoint you as my new personal chef," she said.