The demon realm

We flew for what seemed like an eternity, crossing over mountains, forests, rivers, and deserts. I saw many different landscapes, some beautiful and some terrifying. I wondered if there were any people living in those places, or if they were all under the rule of the demon queen.

I noticed that the sky was getting darker, and the air was getting colder. I felt a chill in my bones, and I shivered. 

I looked ahead, and I saw a huge black cloud looming over the horizon. It was swirling and crackling with lightning, and it looked ominous. I felt a sense of dread, and I wondered if that was our destination.

"Is that the demon realm?" I asked, pointing at the cloud.

"Yes, it is," Zephara said, without any emotion in her voice.

"What's it like?" I asked, curious and scared.

"You'll see soon enough," Zephara said, and she urged Clovis to fly faster.

We approached the cloud, and I felt a jolt of fear. I closed my eyes, and I held on to the dragon. I felt the dragon enter the cloud, and I heard a loud thunder. I felt a surge of energy, and I felt a change in the atmosphere. It was like we had crossed a barrier, or a portal.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a completely different world. It was dark and gloomy, and the sky was filled with red and purple hues. I saw strange shapes and forms, and I saw creatures that I had never seen before. Some looked like animals, some looked like plants, and some looked like nothing I could describe. They all had one thing in common: they were all demonic.

I saw demons of all sizes and shapes, some with horns, some with fangs, some with wings, and some with tails. Some had red eyes, some had yellow eyes, some had green eyes, and some had no eyes at all. They all looked at us with curiosity, or hostility, or indifference. They didn't seem to be afraid of Zephara, or of Clovis. They seemed to respect them, or to fear them.

I felt like an intruder, and I felt like a prey. I felt like I didn't belong here, and I felt like I was in danger. I wondered if Zephara would protect me, or if she would betray me. I wondered if she had any feelings for me, or if she was just using me.

We flew over the demon realm, and I saw many different sights. I saw mountains of bones, lakes of blood, forests of thorns, and fields of fire. I saw castles of iron, temples of stone, pyramids of gold, and towers of glass. I saw cities of chaos, villages of madness, fortresses of evil, and palaces of sin.

I saw the demon realm, and I was amazed it's looked frightening but also super cool.

We finally reached our destination, and I saw the most impressive sight of all. I saw the castle of the demon queen, and I was speechless.

It was a colossal structure, made of black marble and silver metal. It had many spires and domes, it had many windows and balconies. It had many gates and doors, many bridges and stairs. It had many gardens and fountains, and it had many statues and paintings. It had many rooms and halls.

It was the castle of the demon queen, and it was magnificent, and looking so good.

Clovis landed on a large balcony, and Zephara got off the dragon. She helped me get off, and she held my hand. 

"Clovis, go back to your enclosure," said Zephara before letting go of my hand. She gave me a reassuring smile and a gentle squeeze. 

"Follow me and don't do anything foolish," she said to me in a low voice, as if she didn't want anyone to hear us. I nodded before following her, feeling nervous and curious at the same time.

We left the balcony and went down a long corridor that seemed to stretch endlessly. There were lots of portraits hanging on the walls, probably those of the former queen and king demons and their ancestors. All these portraits had one thing in common, none of them were smiling as if they were constipated. They all looked stern, proud, and arrogant, as if they were looking down on anyone who dared to gaze at them.

But I was still impressed by the castle, because it was in perfect condition and very clean. The floor was polished marble, the ceiling was decorated with intricate patterns, and the windows were stained glass.

Guards were posted at every corner, wearing red and black uniforms and carrying swords and spears. They made a reverence every time they saw Zephara approaching, but they also gave me suspicious and hostile looks, as if they couldn't believe that a human was walking among them.

We eventually arrived at a large door that had two huge lion statues on each side. Two guards opened the door for us and I was quite impressed with the room, it was a huge meeting room with a long table that could seat at least 30 people.

The room had a red and black theme, just like the guards' uniforms. The table was covered with a red cloth and had a black candlestick in the center. The chairs were black leather and had red cushions. The walls were adorned with paintings of battles and landscapes, and the fireplace was crackling with a warm fire.

A demon woman with short green hair and yellow eyes, with tiny horns on her forehead, was sitting on one of the chairs, reading a book. She looked as if she was bored and annoyed, and she turned her head directly towards Zephara when she heard us enter. She had a striking resemblance to Zephara, except that her skin was paler and her features were sharper.

"Little sister, so you've found my necklace," she said, approaching Zephara and holding out her hand. She was wearing a red dress that matched her lipstick and nails. She had a smug smile on her face.

"No, I haven't, and if you really need it you can go and get it yourself," said Zephara, hitting her sister's hand to keep her hand away from her. 

" Always so mean little sister."She said with a sigh, then her head turned towards me and she moved quickly towards me. She grabbed my chin and lifted my face to hers. She sniffed me and smiled wickedly.

"Who is this human, she smells incredible." she said, bringing her mouth to my neck. She bit me lightly, making me gasp in pain and fear.

"Don't you dare touch her," said Zephara as she teleported to my side to keep me away from her sister. She wrapped her arm around me and glared at her sister. She looked angry.

"It's the first time you've brought back a human slave, and she smells incredible, her blood must be incredible," said Zephara's sister, licking her lips, which sent a shiver down my spine. She looked hungry and greedy, as if she wanted to devour me.

"She's not my slave, she'll be my private chef," said Zephara before taking me back with her somewhere else. She didn't speak again until we arrived in front of a room with two servants waiting there. They bowed to Zephara and opened the door for us.

"The room is ready," Zephara asked one of the maids.

"Yes, everything's ready," said the maid, and Zephara led me into the room.

"Here's your room," finished Zephara. She closed the door behind us and locked it. She looked at me with a soft smile and said, "Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you. You're safe with me."