Cook for me

"Did you come here to finish what you started in the dragon's shop?" said the demon, looking petrified with fear and looking at me as if I were an assoiferous beast.

"No, not at all, and don't worry, I'm not going to kill you," I said, laughing, I don't have any weapons on me anyway. I tried to sound friendly and reassuring, but I was also amused by his reaction. I didn't hate him, I just wanted to defend the dragon. 

The demon watched me attentively before taking out a dagger from his unniforms and using it with the only hand,he moved fast, but not fast enough. He tried to stab me in the chest, but someone grabbed his wrist and stopped him. He looked up and saw who it was.

"What are you doing Mu." said Zephara as she disarmed the demon and she looked at him with a very angry expression on her face. She had arrived just in time to save me, and she was furious. 

"Your Majesty," he said as he knelt down. He dropped the dagger and bowed his head. 

Zephara looked at me with concern, and she checked me for any injuries.

"You're not hurt, I hope." she said, looking me up and down.

"No, I'm fine," I said, smiling at her. 

Zephara turned towards the demon with a murderous aura surrounding her. She looked at him with contempt and rage, and she clenched her fist. She was ready to kill him, or at least to make him suffer.

"How dare you touch my property, do you want to die." said Zephara as she punched the demon so hard that he went through the wall. She used her full strength and her magic, and she broke his bones and his skull. 

The guard looked at Zephara before sighing. He had witnessed the whole scene, and he was not surprised. 

"This is the second time in two days, your majesty, the workers can't keep up with all the things you're breaking" he said, looking at the wall. He pointed to the hole that Zephara had made, and he shook his head. 

"It's not serious, and I'm the one paying them, so pick Mu up and take him back for treatment, and I'll take care of the rest later" said Zephara, waving her hand. She dismissed the guard and the demon, and she focused on me. 

The guard nodded and picked up the demon, who was unconscious and bleeding. He carried him.

"Well, off to the kitchen," said Zephara as she stood in front of me so that I could follow her.

We walked a bit and I noticed that the kitchen was right next to my room. She opened the door and I noticed that there were no cooks in the room, but the room was still huge with everything you need to cook.

There were stoves, ovens, fridges, cabinets, counters, sinks, and utensils. There were also some ingredients and spices, and some dishes and cups. The room was clean and organized, and it smelled like herbs and fruits. Next to the door was a table with a chair, and Zephara went and sat down there.

"I privatised this place only so that you could cook for me, and right now I'm hungry, so cook for me," said Zephara with a big smile. 

I nodded and went for what I think worked like a fridges, looking for something to cook. I found some eggs, cheese, ham, bread, butter, and milk. I decided to make some scrambled eggs with cheese and ham, and some toast with butter. I also found some strawberries and whipped cream, and I thought they would make a nice dessert.

I took out a frying pan and a spatula, and I cracked some eggs into a bowl. I whisked them with some salt, pepper, and milk, and I poured the mixture into the pan. I turned on the stove and waited for the eggs to cook, stirring them occasionally.

"Hey, hurry up, I'm starving," Zephara said, tapping her foot impatiently. She looked at me with a hungry expression, and I felt a bit nervous.

"I'm almost done, your majesty, just a few more minutes," I said, trying to sound calm. I added some cheese and ham to the eggs, and I mixed them well. I took out some bread and put it in the put in in the pan too.

"Can't you go any faster? You're so slow," Zephara said, rolling her eyes. She crossed her arms and sighed.

"I'm sorry, your majesty, but I can't rush this, or it will burn," I said, apologizing,she really isn't patient. I checked the eggs and saw that they were done.

I turned off the stove and transferred the eggs to a plate. I took out the toast and spread some butter on it, and I put it on another plate. I took out some strawberries and whipped cream, and I arranged them on a third plate.

"Here you go, your majesty, I hope you enjoy it," I said, bringing the plates to the table. I set them down in front of Zephara, and I bowed.

Zephara looked at the food and licked her lips. She grabbed a fork and stabbed some eggs, and she brought them to her mouth. She didn't wait for them to cool down, and she bit into them.

"Ow, ow, ow, hot, hot, hot," she said, spitting out the eggs. She grabbed a glass of water and drank it, trying to soothe her tongue. She glared at me and pouted.

"Why didn't you tell me it was hot?" she said, accusing me.

"I'm sorry, your majesty, but I thought you would know," I said, but I just wanted to laugh, she was acting like a child right now.

"Well, next time, warn me, okay? I don't want to burn my mouth again," she said, rubbing her tongue. She looked at the food again and decided to try the toast. She picked up a slice and bit into it, and she smiled.

"Mmm, this is good, I like it," she said, nodding. She ate the rest of the toast and moved on to the strawberries and whipped cream. She took a strawberry and dipped it in the cream, and she ate it. She moaned and closed her eyes, enjoying the taste.

"This is delicious, I love it," she said, licking her lips. She ate all the strawberries and whipped cream, and she looked at me with a satisfied expression.

I was watching her put strawberries in her mouth and I don't know why I found the way she did it so sexy and then every time she bit into a strawberry I could see her fangs. 

Zephara turned her gaze towards me and I couldn't help but look away quickly. It was a bit embarrassing.

"Having dirty thought?" she said in a smooth voice and I couldn't help blushing a little. 

"No, not at all," I said, looking away, but Zephara came towards me. 

"I've got a question to ask you," said Zephara as she popped a strawberry into my mouth then she stepped back and I nodded to say yes. 

"Was it you who cut off Mu's arm and killed the other four soldiers who were with him?" she said with a deeper look in her eyes, as if she could read me.