Mean sexy grandma

"Grandma, open the door," Zephara said, as she knocked on the door for the tenth time. She sounded impatient and frustrated.

"Your Majesty, that's enough, it seems she's not going to open the door," I said, sighing. We had been standing outside for 10 minutes already, and the grandma did not come again.

"No, don't worry, she'll open this door," Zephara said, creating a purple fireball in her hand. She grinned wickedly, and I knew what she was planning to do. She was going to blast the door open, and force her way in. 

"Don't tell me you're going to destroy your own grandmother's house," I said, trying to stop her. 

Zephara ignored me, and began to direct her fireball towards the house. She was about to throw it, when the door suddenly opened. Zephara grandma had a cold and angry expression on her face, and she glared at us with contempt.