I was defeated

The mysterious challenger's voice cut through the crowd's chatter, their tone firm yet carrying an undercurrent of excitement. I turned to face them, my curiosity piqued by the concealed figure.

"Very well," I replied, my voice steady and clear. "Step forward and let us see if your skill matches your courage."

I hope this person will be stronger than the others, I must admit it's been long since I've faced someone really strong.

The soldiers formed a circle around us, their murmurs fading into silence as the challenger stepped into the light. The anticipation was palpable, a tangible force that seemed to hold its breath.

The training area fell silent, the only sound the soft rustle of the challenger's cape as we advanced. I readied myself, my grip on my sword tightening. The duel began with a testing exchange, our blades meeting with a ring that echoed off the stone walls.