An embarrassing moment

As Leora began to change right in front of me, my cheeks flushed with a deep crimson, a telltale sign of my acute embarrassment. I quickly averted my gaze, hiding my eyes behind my hands as if they could shield me from the inadvertent intrusion.

The sight of her undressing, so casual and unguarded, filled me with a strange mix of discomfort and an inexplicable longing. A part of me, the part that was still 'human', couldn't help but wish for her to leave the room, to grant me a sliver of privacy so I could carry out my mission in peace.

But I did wish to look at Leora body,but not like that I wish that she is the one who will show it to me . With a thought, I had teleported myself onto Leora's bed, and for the moment I remain unnoticed, a mere shadow in her periphery as I waited for Leora to finish dressing.