I want to be your girlfriend

Zephara's words hung in the air, heavy with both hope and uncertainty. The feast continued behind us, a symphony of laughter and clinking goblets, but here on the balcony, we were cocooned in a different world.

The sea stretched out before us, its waves whispering secrets of distant lands. I leaned against the stone railing, my gaze following the path of a lone seagull as it dipped and soared.

"What comes next?" I repeated, my mind racing through the possibilities. The fight against Ava was over, the enemy vanquished, but rebuilding was a task as daunting as any battle. The castle walls bore scars, and the land itself carried the weight of loss.

The balcony was our sanctuary right now, a quiet refuge from the revelry below. The sea breeze carried the scent of salt and adventure, and the stars above seemed to wink conspiratorially. Zephara sat close, her presence a comforting warmth against the cool stone.