Making a potion

I stood there, dumbfounded, with the vials clutched in my hand. The ducks – Lise and Yumi – quacked at me, their beady eyes filled with confusion and fear. I sighed, the weight of our predicament settling on my shoulders like a lead cloak.

"Alright, you two," I said, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice. "We need to get back to the market entry. Maybe we can find someone to help us there."

The ducks just stared at me, tilting their heads. I groaned. "Quack if you understand me."

They quacked in unison, and I took that as a sign to proceed. I led the way, navigating through the winding alleys with my unusual companions waddling behind me. Every so often, they would quack loudly, drawing curious glances from passersby.

"Keep it down," I hissed over my shoulder. "We don't need any more attention."