Talk with the human king

Leora and Zephara made their way back to the human castle, the cobblestone streets echoing with the clip-clop of their carriage's hooves. As we approached the towering gates, I couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and excitement. The castle loomed before us, its ancient stones whispering tales of centuries past.

Zephara's hand found mine, her touch a reassuring warmth against my skin. "Are you ready, my dear?" she asked, her eyes alight with anticipation.

I nodded, steeling myself for the meeting ahead. Together, we entered the castle, greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of the bustling corridors. Guards nodded in recognition as we passed, their armor glinting in the flickering torchlight.

We arrived at the meeting room, its grand doors looming before us like guardians of secrets untold. Zephara pushed them open, and we stepped inside.