Kill him

"What the hell happened out there?" Lucas snapped.

I strode over to Luther, my second-in-command, fury and rage mounting within me. Quinn was almost taken from right under my nose. The commotion at the market was a distraction.

Rogue vampires causing trouble at one of the vendor tables. Naturally, we zeroed in on them the moment they appeared, but they took off like roaches as soon as they saw us coming.

"They tried to take my girl," I growled, practically seeing red at the memory of Leora's terrified expression.

Lucas grunted and fell into step beside me as we walked down the hallway that led to the back of the building.

When we arrived at the castle, I made sure, one of our servants, tended to Leora and got her settled in my chambers. After this incident, there would be no need for Leora to have her own room.