Welcome home

The journey back to Zephara's castle in the demon realm was a mix of anticipation and exhaustion. As we bid farewell to Zain Castle and its warm hospitality, I couldn't shake the excitement of the upcoming magic tournament against demons.

It was a challenge unlike any other, and the thought of testing our skills against formidable opponents filled me with a sense of exhilaration.

Yet, underneath that excitement lay a layer of weariness that seemed to weigh down every step. The battles we'd faced, the demons we'd vanquished, all took their toll on our bodies and minds.

But with each passing mile, the thought of returning to the safety and comfort of Zephara's castle spurred us onward.

The journey through the forest was uneventful, the familiar sights and sounds serving as a balm to our weary souls. Zephara and I walked side by side, our hands occasionally brushing against each other in silent reassurance.