Disgrace of a vampire!

"Mr. Blake, it's delightful to have you back," Lily greeted with a warm smile as they entered the spacious living room. "Is there anything specific you'd like for snacks?"

"Surprise me, Lily. I trust your judgment," Blake replied, sinking into the comfortable sofa. The room exuded a sense of relaxation, a welcome contrast to the intensity of the day.

As Lily disappeared into the kitchen, Blake's mind drifted to the reason behind Rose's sudden trip. The notion of a business meeting, especially one that required a night departure, added a layer of mystery to the situation. The late-night rendezvous for business struck him as unconventional, but he had learned not to question the intricacies of Rose's affairs.

Soon, Lily returned with a tray of delectable snacks— an assortment of cheeses, fruits, and finely crafted pastries. "I hope this suits your taste, Mr. Blake," she said, arranging the delicacies on the table.