My second first time (+R18!)

(As usual, the title already explains the content. Proceed with caution!) 


Before she could reign in her scattered thoughts, the question slipped free, raw and more vulnerable than she had intended.

"Blake...what is it you want from me?"

Blake smiled almost immediately. For someone so powerful beyond his imagination, she sat and wondered what he wanted.

"I want the same thing you want from me," Blake replied.

"Don't be too sure, love. Do you know what I want?" Rose asked with a playful grin.

"My blood?" Blake played along.

"Well, you are not wrong but we'll consider that option later down the line. But right now I want a different thing," Rose said, eyes trailing off from Blake momentarily.

"Ask then," Blake simply replied, holding her hands.

"Take this stress and maybe this dress off me," Rose said barely audibly. But Blake got the message all too clearly.