I'm the better version of you! Mimic strikes again!

The battle raged on, its end nowhere in sight.

The klieg lights blazed as Becky stepped onto the makeshift stage, her expression one of grim determination. A hush fell over the throng of reporters and protestors gathered outside Shelley Technologies' headquarters.

"My name is Rebecca Owens," she announced, her voice ringing out over the crowd. "And I'm the one who brought you the truth about Rose Shelley and her ageless secrets."

A roar of approval rose from the masses, fists pumping in solidarity with the self-proclaimed whistleblower. Becky allowed herself a satisfied smile before continuing.

"For too long, Shelley Technologies has operated in the shadows, conducting unethical experiments and exploiting the powers of the undead for profit. No more!" She raised a defiant fist. "Today, we pull back the veil and expose their sins to the world!"