Shadow knights vs Fiery Shelly

As much as the fight between Gunther and Drake was brutal and all over the place, it was hard to follow for Blake and Nana.

However, the other part of the beach side had Elena facing off against Reggie and Randal.

Elena had already drawn out two flame swords. Being from the Shelly household, much like Rose and lord Marlowe, she had also mastered the fire ability and was ready to put it to use.

But Reggie and Randal already knew this would be the case and were prepared to give her a hard time in order to protect Blake, this time, without fail.

Elena observed Reggie and Gunther with a mixture of admiration and disdain as they wielded their shadow swords with precision and finesse. The way they manipulated the darkness to create deadly weapons was a testament to their mastery of the long-lost shadow abilities.