The search for Rose leads back home

Grey hair, huge muscular form and a piecing gaze peered through a thick fog in the middle of no where.

Reggie stood at the city's edge, casting one final glance over his shoulder at the towering spires and gothic architecture. The vampire city was once his home for centuries, but now a strange sense of unfamiliarity hung like a shroud over the familiar streets and byways.

Something had changed, shifted in a fundamental way. He could taste it on the night air - an undercurrent of tension, of recent turmoil barely restraining itself beneath the surface. Reggie felt unmoored, a stranger in his own realm.

With a weary shake of his head, he turned and melted into the enveloping shadows stretching out beyond the city limits. His course was set for the imposing silhouette of the Shelley manor on the hill. If anyone could shine a light on these mysterious events, it would be Rose's family.