Hound of justice

Blake leaned down, bringing his chiseled features mere inches from Nana's own. She could feel the scorching gust of his exhalations fanning across her skin, smell the metallic reek of the bloody tears trickling from his eyes to stain the sheets beneath her trembling body.

"Now," he murmured in a tone of sinister calm that opposed his feral appearance. "You're going to tell me everything. Where did Reggie and his brothers say they were going? What were their plans?"

Blake had done so much as stay far enough to see them unfortunately, he was out of hearing g range. It turned out even now he had discovered one of his upper limits.

Nana could only whimper again in mindless terror, shaking her head frantically in mute denial of his demands. Blake's eyes flared in response, his massive hand whipping out to grip her jaw in a vise. His claws pricked her skin, prompting a terrified squeak as she felt a bead of blood well up to trickle down her throat.