Special host awaiting...

Soon enough, the sleek shape of the knights' sports car came into view, momentarily thrown into sharp relief beneath a strobe of lurid moonlight. Blake's strides slowed, dropping into a predatory prowl as he closed the distance with silent, meticulous footfalls.

He could make out Reggie's imposing silhouette in the driver's seat, the harsh line of his chiseled jawbone thrown into stark relief as he peered unblinkingly ahead at the winding road. Blake felt an insidious tendril of rage unfurling in his chest at the sight - how dare this traitor presume to deceive and betray him so utterly? After all they'd been through together...

A low, menacing growl rumbled up from the depths of Blake's throat. He would take immense satisfaction in making Reggie and his traitorous ilk suffer, in watching the arrogance bleed from their eyes as they groveled for the mercy he may never grant.