Birthday for the dessert monster!

Blake woke up early on the morning of Celena's second birthday, excitement buzzing through his veins. He had been planning this special day for weeks, wanting everything to be perfect for his little girl. He glanced over at Rose, who was still sleeping peacefully beside him. She had been working so hard lately, taking care of Celena and keeping their home running smoothly. Blake wanted this party to be a chance for her to relax and enjoy some quality time with their family and friends.

As quietly as possible, Blake slipped out of bed and padded down the hall to Celena's room. He peeked inside and saw his daughter still fast asleep, her dark curls spilling across the pillow. Blake smiled softly. He could hardly believe how much she had grown in the past year. It seemed like just yesterday they were celebrating her first birthday. Now his baby was turning two, becoming more independent and adventurous every day.