Chapter 5&6

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄

By Rosy Johnson



"Let her go," Peter said, reaching forward

he tapped Brimsley's arm lightly.

Neither Brimsley nor Calista budged, they continued staring at each other as though they were sworn enemies. Finally, Brimsley let go of her, and without saying a word, she walked out of the room.

"You can't force people to speak," Peter said softly

Brimsley ruffles his hair, turning around he stares at the teachers and then at Peter before walking away.



Michelle walked past a group of boys as she entered the canteen, she ordered her meal and after getting it, she glanced around. She noticed an empty chair in her right corner so she walked to it and sat down.

"Who is that? Is she a new student?" A guy asked, not taking his gaze off her.

Two of his friends nudged him.

"I dunno, never seen her around," one of his friends replied casually.

"She's beautiful," the guy said, staring at Calista as though she just stepped out of a magazine and into his fantasy world.

His friends looked at her and then nodded in agreement. The guy stood up but one of his friends pulled him down.

"Guys, I think I'm in love," he said and looked at the one by his left side before looking at the other guy on his right side.

"Ha, Joker," one of them giggled.

"I'm serious guys! It's love this time. I know what am feeling, It's love at first sight," he got up with his tray of food.

Having no other choice two of his friends carried their trays also going after him.

"Hey beautiful," he waved.

Michelle smiled brightly and he felt his heart skip beat.

"Mine if I join you?" he asked and she nodded


"We actually," two of his friends joined the table.

She glared from one person to another, especially the first guy.

"I'm Justin Parker," he offered a handshake and she took it.

"Michelle Felix," she replied in a tiny voice, still maintaining the smile on her face.

Justin felt his heart skip beat again, her skin was soft and tender. As though she haven't done anything hard all her life.

"I'm Garrett," one of his friends introduced himself.

"Gavin," the third guy said

She shook their hands one after another but Justin grabbed her palm again, placing a soft kiss at the back of her hand. She quickly withdrew her hand and he made a sad face.

"My apologies if I'm coming off too fast, I just can't get enough of you," he apologizes and she smiles

"It's okay,"

"So, you look like a new student," Gavin said more like a question and she nodded.

"Yeah, we just moved to Vagas cos my dad was transferred here," she took her strawberry juice and unclipped the cover, taking a sip from it.

"I can show you around, I know all the good places around," Justin said with a charming smile.

"Uh, I wish I could come with you but I can't," she replied taking a bite from her sandwich before placing it right back on her tray.

"Why not," Garrett asked

She looked at him

"I can't go out if my sister doesn't..."

"Her boyfriend can take her," Justin said almost immediately.

"She doesn't have one," Michelle replied

They exchange glances.

"She's hardcore, she doesn't like guys," Michelle replied as if reading their minds.

They exchanged glances again.

"is she gay?" Garrett asked and she flinched back.

"No!! She just doesn't like hanging out with guys and my dad said I can't go out with a guy until she's going out with one," Michelle explained

"Michelle," Mike shouted, walking over to her, he could feel many gazes on him as he strode to her, but he didn't seem to care.




"So, here is the basketball court," Gianna said

Calista didn't say a word as she walked around the large hall, picturing everything.

It was a rectangular floor that was about 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. The floor is hardwood, with a glossy finish. There are two baskets at either end of the floor, each with a hoop of about 18 inches in diameter and 10 feet above the floor. Below each basket is a painted key measuring 19 feet wide and 16 feet from the basket...

"Hey, are you listening," Gianna touched her shoulder and she blinked twice.

"I called you three times but you didn't respond," she pouted cutely.

"I need to have lunch," Calista replied, she made her way towards the door and Gianna rushed after her.


"Can you stop following me?" she stopped abruptly

"I can't,"

"Why not?"

"Cos I like you," Gianna pouted cutely.

" Are you les?" she asked and Gianna frowned at her.

"What is that?" she asked innocently, and Calista palmed her face.

"It's girls liking girls," she replied.

Gianna was hesitant so she began walking away.

"Wait," Gianna suddenly shouted from behind, racing after her.

"I like girls, and there are many girls that like girls too, does that make us les? Wait a minute... you like boys? You're a lesboy, I knew you were a lesboy," Gianna said.

"There is no such thing as Lesboys,"






"No!!! Gwad damn it!!" Calista screamed out in frustration. She stopped walking and turned to Gianna who frowned with confusion, if she wasn't all those things then what is she? An alien?

"I'm no lesbian nor all those things you just mentioned, I'm not even sure you're a lesbian," she scolded

"You said les, not Lesbian, anyway, If I'm not a lesbian then what am I?"

"Just Stupid!!"



Brimsley was in class when a girl entered, walking over she made to sit on his lap, but he stopped her by holding her waist and pushing her away.

"Not now Ash," he said with seriousness

She frowned.

"But why? Have missed you..."

"Ashley, I said not now!" He cut her off instantly.

"Oh," she mumbled with a nod and walked out only to come across Peter by the door, he smiled at her, but she rolled her eyes at him.

"Why is he so pissed?" she asked

"Who?" Peter frowned

"Brimsley of course," she replied

"Oh, the new girl, I think she got to him," he said, and she narrowed her gaze.

"A new girl?"

"Yeah, Calista Felix, she seems to know something about Ethan, but she won't say a word, and Brimsley wants to expel Ethan, but he can't do that without full evidence to pin him down..."

"So, this girl has the evidence he needs," Ashley asked cutting him off.

"Exactly, but she won't say a thing about it," Peter replied

Ashely smirked

"I will get it out of her," she began walking away.




Mike is seen at the door of his teacher's office, trying to figure out what to say once the door opens but nothing comes to his mind.

"What are you doing here?" a male teacher passing by asked, staring suspiciously at him.

"Just wanted to submit this," he flashed a fake smile then pushed the door open.

He'd expected to see just her but there were like 8 teachers in there with her. Wasn't she a senior teacher? Why is she sharing office?

Well, that wasn't his concern, he needs to get to her and invite her over for dinner.

"Mike, right? You're the transferred student," Ms. Bronte said immediately after she saw him.

He nodded

"Go, Mike, it's no biggy, tell her to come over for dinner and that's it, be a gentleman," his subconscious mind said countlessly.

"Why have you come?" she asked, staring up at him cos she was sitting down.

"Emm... Mrs..."

"Ms." she corrected

By now other teachers were staring at them while some pretended to be busy.

"Sorry, Ms. Emm... Ms..."

"Bronte," she said again, and he nodded embarrassed at his own reactions.

"Sorry, Ms. Bronte..." he thrilled off, then looked at her. He was trying to maintain eye contact but couldn't. It's easy while talking to his mate or girls in his age cycle but this was his teacher.

"Is there a problem?" Ms. Bronte asked

Instead of answering, he ran out of there at a great speed. Mike continued running till he got to the rooftop and stopped.

"I can't... I can't... I can't!! I can't do it, I tried but I just can't!!" he yelled at himself




"So, she can't date cos her sister is not dating," Justin mumbled, both legs resting on the desk in front of him.

"That's crazy," Garret said

"Yeah, I mean who does that? What kind of rule is that?" Justin asked and sat up.

"How about getting a boyfriend for her sister? Keep her busy while you go out with Michelle," A female voice spoke this time and they looked back to see Karan, she has been there the whole time and she heard everything they were talking about.

Garret felt his whole body ignited just by her voice and Gavin wasn't left out

Garrett and Gavin were once conjoined twins but were separated through surgery, right before their separation they agreed to share a woman. Earlier when Karan joined Nevada high school, Gavin was the first to see her and told Garret about her. He liked her so Garret also liked her, but she doesn't seem to know, or maybe she does but chooses to ignore them.

"What?" Justin asked

"You said yourself that she can't go out without her sister and the only way for you to spend time with her is for her sister to be out of the picture, how? Keeping her sister busy," she closed the book she was reading and opened her backpack, she put the book in there and then zipped it before walking out.

Justin held his jaw, how is he going to keep Calista busy?

Michelle had told her about Calista and seriously the girl wasn't the easy type.

Who will it be? Who will take up the job of keeping her busy? he thought silently

Suddenly his eyes flashed, and he looked at his friends.

"I just know the perfect person," he jumped out of his chair, heading towards the door.


"Dude, I can't do it," Tristan said as he put his sportswear back in his locker.

"Come on, you're the Casanova, all-girls dream. You have the charm to make any girl fall for you..."

"I just told you, I'm not interested, look for another person, okay?" Tristan pushed past him

They are currently in the boy's locker room.

"I will pay $500, all you have to do is just date her, keep her busy, and don't read meaning into it. It's just a game nothing personal," Justin shouted desperately.

Tristan scoffed.

"Listen, if you have so much money to throw around why not just get yourself trained for it? I won't be nice to tell you not to bother me again, but if you do, you will get it?" Tristan threatened and then turned around, walking out of the locker room.



Inside the canteen were Calista and Gianna as they had lunch.

The students suddenly began murmuring amongst themselves and Gianna looked behind Calista only to see Ethan and his crew walking towards their table. The students sitting next to their table ran out instantly.

"Look who we have here," Ethan said then grabbed a handful of garnished rice, pressing tightly until he smashed it all, he turned to his boys, and they all laughed.

"So, you're a transferred student after all," he lowered himself, both hands placed on their table.

Calista was silent and so was Gianna.

"If you say a word about me, you're dead," Ethan whispered.

Meanwhile, Brimsley was walking in when he saw the scene so, he paused. Watching them.

"Don't start what you can't finish," Calista leaned closer, whispering into his ear, and his brows rose in question.

She withdraws back with a smirk.

"You wanna play the hard game huh? I will show you that there is a master for every game," he turned around, leaving the canteen with his boys.

"Wow, first time no one get hurt cos of him," Peter mumbled behind Brimsley and he glared at him. Without saying a word, Brimsley left the canteen and Peter ran after him.

"What did you say that made him leave? He never leaves anyone alone. His father is the chief judge, his mother is a lawyer and his uncle is a cop, he's highly protected with power that's why it's as though he's untouchable," Gianna said

"I see," Calista nodded simply then looked at her food

"He's paying for this," Calista said, hitting her tray with her fork

"And here comes the she-devil," Gianna said out loud, looking behind her.

Calista followed her gaze only to see Ashley and two other girls coming their way.

"Who is she?" she asked, staring at the girl coming her way as though she stôle from her.

"Her name is Ashley Frances, daughter of the Chancellor, she parades herself as Brimsley's girlfriend but everyone knows she's dating herself. the one on her left is Molly, she's obsessed with Tristain. The one on her right side is Betty, Tristan's f**k toy and she's sharing his d**K with Molly and 50 other students coupled with some teachers," Gianna replied

"What is he? A Chinese server? Was he made in China? 50 women!!" Calista couldn't believe it.

"That's just the numbers I can remember for now, he looks like a demi-god, and girls are crazy about him, he can seduce anyone and there was a time rumor has it that he seduced his step-sister Tiffany...." Gianna stopped talking immediately Ashley and her crew got to their table.

"Follow me," Ashley ordered instantly and turned to leave.

She'd walked five steps when she looked back only to discover that Calista wasn't following as instructed.

"Did I not tell you to follow me, new bea!" she asked, walking back to her.

Getting close, She slammed her hand on the table, both Gianna's and Calista's tray of food spilling all over the floor.

Calista looked at the food before staring up at her.

🗣️What's going on?

🗣️I have no idea.

🗣️Looks like Gianna didn't tell her about Ashley

🗣️She needs to avoid the authorities if she wants to graduate

🗣️I wonder what Ashley will do to her.

🗣️New bea?

🗣️Transferred student

Murmuring filled the air and Calista could hear all of them but chose to keep quiet.

"Why not just leave us alone?" Gianna spoke up, more like a question.

Calista got up but Ashley pushed her back to her chair.

"You think you're Rihanna, right?" she nodded then opened her palm.

Molly gave her the apple juice she was holding and without a warning, Ashley emptied everything on Calista's hair with a sinister smirk on her face as she did that.

Everyone gasped and Gianna clasped her hand over her mouth shocked to the core

It all happened so fast.

"Now get up and follow me!!!"

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🔥🥵

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