Chapter 15&16

♟️The Game 🎲

👔Love To The Extreme💄

By Rosy Johnson




"I should have warned her to be careful with that guy Tristan, I don't like him," Gianna mumbled with a big frown on her face.

Karan who's sitting beside her was silent, just staring at the book in front of her. Her stomach growled and Gianna looked at her.

"Uh, you're hungry already," she said but Karan shook her head negatively.

"No, I'm having..." Her stomach growled again. she looked down at her flat tummy then at Gianna who's staring at her.

She'd skipped breakfast cos she got into a fight with her mom again this morning. Karan faked a smile as she quickly took her purse, reaching inside it.

"I will just Macaroni salad," she said, going through her small purse, suddenly, she stopped searching when she didn't see any money.

"I didn't also have breakfast cos I was in a hurry," Gianna said but Karan wasn't listening as her mind when back to this morning event.



"Sit down and eat with me," Karan's mother said.

She's eating alone on the dining while Karan was already dressed up for school

"Not Hungry..."

"I wasn't a request, sit down!" the woman ordered, not taking her gaze off her plate.

"I do not want to eat, the last time I ate in this house I ended up becoming what I can't explain," Karan replied as she made her way towards the door.

"When is it back for a mother to ask her daughter to eat with her?" the woman raised her head "I only want us to start over," she dropped her cutlery and then took a napping, wiping her hand with it while slowly walking over to Karan.

"I want us to eat together..."

"Why? So, you could poison me the same way you did before?" Karan asked bolding and her eyes flickered.

"Karan, I am your mother..."

"You're not, you're just a sl*t who's doing everything she can to ruin my life just cos she feels hers is coming to an end," Karan yelled to her face.

A loud smack echos across the room and Karan was forced to hold her burning cheek.

She just earned a slap.

"You ungrateful bastard!! I put a roof over your head, cover your nakedness with clothes, put food on your table, put you in one of the best schools in Vagas and this is how you repay me? I adopted you when everyone rejected you and this is it??" she bellowed

Karan was silent, her eyes reddish but she refused to let a single tear drop from them.

"If only one could see the future I wouldn't have adopted you, I would have left you to d*e..."

"I did it!!" Karan suddenly yelled at her

She didn't care anymore.

"You asked me to get laid at 16 and I did, you asked me to be at the top of my class and I am, you asked me to take off my clothes so that your dogs can watch, and I did without complaining, I never question your decision but then you destroyed me. My whole life is revolving around pills, and I can't even breathe without having them near. I'm only 18 yet I'm having unimaginable s*x thoughts that are threatening to overwhelm me. I'm just like a tree uprooted from the soil and kept on the surface waiting for who to water it, I don't even have control over my own body, I live in fear every minute of the day. I'm no longer a normal girl, a normal human just cos of my mother's selfish desire. I can't wait to leave for college so I will be far away from you," she took in a deep breath and sniffed.

"Karan, baby...."


"Karan, Karan can you hear me, Karan damn it! What are you thinking?" Gianna screamed into her ears.

She jumped

"What were you thinking? Have been calling for minutes," Gianna said concerned.

Karan was silent.

"Just wish I could see my real parents someday," she closed her eyes

"Are you crying?" Gianna leaned closer to her face

Just then Gianna's phone began buzzing in her pocket, she checked only to see her mother on the screen then she frowned deeply before clicking accept.

"Mom, what now?"

"Look out through the window,"

Gianna's eyes widened upon seeing the Limo which didn't park where it's supposed to, her mother's head popping out.

"Mom, get back home!!" she yelled

"Sweetie, I missed you, I called but you didn't pick even though you agreed to pick my calls after every 30 minutes," the woman whinnied.

"Mom, you will see me at home please go, you're embarrassing me," Gianna said over the phone

"Can I get a kiss? I brought you lunch..."

"Mom, please go!!!"

"You can share with your friend, tell her I'm a good cook, I'm sure she will like it..."

"Mom, if you don't go, I'm going straight to the rooftop and I'm jumping from there..."

"No, no, please. I'm going,"

"1, 2, 3...'

"Hey, reverse quickly, quickly,"


"I'm going, you might give me heart attack at this rate,"

"Get over your obsession for me Mom, it's becoming too much,"

"Can a mother not love her child...."

"Mom go!!!"

"Okay, okay, I will, and I love you. Even though you keep throwing me away like a garbage..."

"Mom!!!!" Gianna screamed, so loud that those in the canteen turned to look at her.



Out of the car came Calista and Tristan.

"What is this place?" Calista asked, looking around the building.

Tristan chuckled bringing out a blindfold from his trouser pocket, he made to put it around her head, but she swiftly grabbed it.


"Trust me," he said calmly and bashed his lashes twice.

"And why should I trust you?" she asked

"Cos what I'm about to show you is magnificent," he replied winking at her with a little smile at the corner of his lips.

Calista was salient as if calculating then she sighed.

"Fine, but if you're trying to sell me just know that my dad is in the US marine," she said

Meanwhile, Tristan was waving his hand over her face, trying to find out if she could see a thing and when he was sure she wasn't. He took her hand then led her to the elevator.

Immediately the Elevator closed Brimsley and Tiffany came out of their hiding place.

"Argh, where did they go?" Brimsley ruffles his hair

"The last floor, my thought can't just be wrong," let's head for the stairs," Tiffany took off, but Brimsley pulled her back instantly.

"Are you out of your damn mind? F**king last floor? Are you high?" he asked, more like a yell

"Fine let's look for another elevator," Tiffany replied


Tristan and Calista are standing at the rooftop with him still holding tightly onto her in a possessive way, after taking a good look around, he stepped forward and removed the blindfold from Calista's eye.

She blinked as her vision adjusted to the sudden light, and when she looked around, she was awestruck. The rooftop! They were on the rooftop.

The rooftop was decorated with dozens of lanterns, and a small table was set for two with flowers, champagne and a platter of fruit and cheese.

She turned to Tristan speechless.

"What do you think? He asked from behind her.

Calista was silent, it was as though he stepped into her dream world and is ready to bring her fantasy to life. She'd made wishes, prayers but she never thought it could come real.

She felt a warm breeze on brush against her skin and she closed her eyes, taking in the scent of jasmine and roses. She felt Tristan's hand on her shoulder and opened her eyes to find him standing beside her. He was gazing at her, his eyes full of warmth and affection.

"You don't like it? I can take you somewhere else..."

"No!" she suddenly screams out loud

He raised his brows

"It's not that, I's... it's nice," she added


" I mean, it's.... it's just wow," she replied.

Tristan put a hand on her shoulder before looking into her eyes that were glimmering. He took her hand, leading her to the table.

"I'm glad you like it,"


"Justin, Justin," Tristain called walking into the junior classroom.

In the next minutes he was standing outside with Justin leaning on the wall.

"Have you done it? Are you f**king her already or you two are dating? Tell me there is a success," Justin said impatiently

"It will take a whole lot for me to settle, she's a f**king bad b*tch," Tristan replied

Justin glared at him.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I'm taking her out for lunch, so I want you to tell me the things she likes, doesn't she have dreams or fantasy or anything? Just something she only imagine herself doing or so," Tristan said

"Aish," Justin ruffles his hair "I dunno, I will have to ask her sister, wait her," Justin said and left

It wasn't long before Justin returned with a jotter

"What's this?" Tristan asked curiously, he f**king asked for information not to read books.

"Michelle said everything about her is here..."

"Is this her journal? What if she sees it with me?"

"It's not, Michelle made a copy," Justin cut him off


"You're not as bad as they said you're," Calista said, taking a spoonful of chicken Caeser pasta salad into her mouth

Tristan reached for her lips, and she looked at him, he slowly wipes the stain at the corner of her lips and the one on her upper lips before withdrawing back and smiling.

For a moment Calista was silent.

"Your food will get cold," Tristan said

He wasn't eating, he was just watching her.

"Are you doing all this just so I will date you... Nah, I doubt that. You'd doing this to f**k me isn't it?" she said while holding her fork to the plate.

He stared at the fork then at her and then shook his head negatively.

"Nah, I only wanted a proper apology for the way I acted last time, and you're dangerously pretty for me to be a jerk towards you," he replied showing off his dimples

"I see,"


"Wow," Brimsley exclaimed with his jaw dropped open

"Oh, my f**king gwad!" Tiffany screamed out loud but quickly covered her mouth with her palms as if coming back to her senses.

"Anyone there?" They heard Tristan's voice and froze, after a moment of not seeing anyone, they let out a breath of relief.



Karan stared at the pill bottle in her hand and then closed her eyes, images of when she was still normal clouded her mind and slowly, she sank to the floor sobbing.

She was tired, for how long was she going to keep up? She was never gonna be like a normal girl, or is she?

She looked at the other bottle which was labeled POISON

If she takes this now it will all end, right? She won't' have to depend on pills or f**K around, right?

She nodded and unclipped the bottle, emptying everything on her palms.

"I'm sorry mom and dad, I know you both didn't want me that's why you left me, but I didn't ask to be born, I didn't ask for this and I'm just too young to be living like this," she poured the pill into her mouth, gulping down the water she came with.

"I tried to find you, but I failed, I guess going back to where I came from is the best..." she grasped her tummy in pain, wrestling with herself on the cold floor with Forms puffing out of her mouth.



Tristan stepped out of the arced with Calista hugging a big teddy bear.

Brimsley and Tiffany exchanged glances.

"He won a Teddy bear?" Brimsley asked while Tiffany as busy snapping Tristan and Calista.

"What are they doing with that woman?" Brimsley asked and Tiffany dimmed her eyes.

"Looks like a fortune teller,"


"Smile, smile, smile bright smiles. Behind those smiles are clouds of unquenchable tears," a woman dressed in a traditional way said to Calista, standing on their path

Calista looked up at Tristan only to find him staring at her with the same confused expression.

"It is close, Betrayal and pain, death and homicide which do you choose?" the woman asked

And Tristan pulled Calista behind him, he stood boldly before the woman and the stranger laughed.

"Destruction!" she laughed sarcastically.

"Why is her laughter even scary?" Tiffany asked still taking pictures

"I dunno, she's freaking me out from here," Brimsley replied

"Move, we would like to pass," Tristan said calmly, and the woman laughed at him.

She moved closer to touch Calista, but Tristan blocked her way. Hitting off her old hand. That made the woman to look at him.

"You two are so, so, so, so good together but in that togetherness, there is destruction that will destroy not only one but many, I can see it. It's getting closer. Sister will turn against sister, brother will turn against brother, family will turn against family, father will turn against son, mother will turn against daughter, it will shake everyone, and nothing will be left," the woman laughed, she moved out of their way her gaze not Leaving Calista.

"Who are you and what are you talking about?" Calista asked

"Pain and Betrayal, Dêåth and Homîcîde, which will you choose," she asked

Calista moved back a little bit. the woman was freaking her out. First, she looked creepy and now this.

"Hey," Tristan let out.

"Destruction," she called him and walked away.

"What was that?" Calista asked no one in particular, staring at the corner the woman took, Tristan held her head, shifting it back to their front.

"Ignore her, she's just a creepy old lady,"


"What's going on?" Tiffany asked as they watch the woman leave.

"The creepy lady is finally out I can breathe now," Brimsley replied



"Tristan, I wanna get back to school, I need to study," Calista said while sitting on dry sand.

Tristan passed the milkshake in his and to her and she took it, he played beachboys on his phone then kept it by the side before raising his own milkshake.

"To our friendship, never to be rude to a pretty lady girl," they clicked bottles and she giggled.

"can't believe the sun is coming down and we are still out," Calista said taking a sip of her milkshake.

Tristan looked at the sky.

"School can wait, I wanted to legally welcome you to Nevada high," he said, and she hit him playfully.

"Hey, we are still not best of friends, get that,"

"Of course, sir," he salutes

"I'm not sir,"

"Well, we are friends now and I can call you whatever I want. like, kitten..."

"Hey!!!!" she screamed with a warned

He falls back on the sand, laughing.

"I f**King hate you," she stood up and made to walk away but he pushed her and she staggered, falling to her kneels.

Turning back, he splashed water on her, infuriating her more, Calista tightened her teeth and stood up right. Before he could know what was coming a sand ball hit his face.

"f**k!" he quickly closed his eyes.

As if that wasn't enough Calista continued hitting him with the wet sand balls, he ran into the sea and she laughed while pointing at him.

"I thought we were friends, but it seems you wanna do this the rough way, huh?" he said packing louds of wet sand in his hands.

"F**K you," she showed him her middles fingers taking off instantly.

"Come back here bad âss bîtch!!" he race after her....

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵