Chapter 22: Preparation for the Inheritance

Soon another month passed.

10th January, Year 42021 of Elemental Era

Now, Ren Ying was able to stay within it for an entire hour. His soul cultivation also broke through to Rank 2!

Li Yuxong felt inferior as he looked at Ren Ying. When he was Rank 3, he could only stay for an hour, even though, he has reached Rank 3 peak, he still is able to stay only for 3 hours.

Huang Ling is even more perverted. She can stay there for a month straight without rest or sleep, that too deep in the pool.

Huang Ling, suddenly asked Ren Ying once. "Why do you shout such filthy words within the lake?"

Ren Ying at that time responded. "It helps in clearing the mind, and staying longer. Once you distract yourself from the pain, you can stay longer. If you keep thinking about pain, you will eventually run out of your patience."

Li Yuxong had his own pride. He didn't want to stoop as low as him, to use filthy words for his cultivation.

Days passed, and months followed. Time flew like a breeze and 6 more months passed

2nd July, Year 42021 of Elemental Era

Ren Ying has now reached Rank 4 in Soul Cultivation, and is able to stay within the deepest part of the lake for a week!

He can feel that, his body has started getting uncontrollable since his soul cultivation surpassed his Warrior cultivation.

This feeling is like, typing on keyboard with too fast hand. What happens when your hand becomes too fast, as compared to the WPM limit of keyboard?

The keyboard can't synchronize properly with the typing, leading to missing various characters.

One can take another example. Let's say someone is writing something with pen. But, his thinking is too fast as compared to hand speed. What will happen? The writing becomes so poor, that it will no longer be recognized as a language!

Similarly, his consciousness is too fast, and his body is unable to react to the orders of his consciousness, leading to improper coordination between body and mind.

Ren Ying murmured. 'The coordination can be improved with practice, but this opportunity may not appear again.'

Meanwhile, Li Yuxong's soul has already reached rank 5 early stage, while Huang Ling has reached rank 6 late stage!

Ren Ying, without stopping continued staying in the lake. He didn't even take much rest. Even Huang Ling and Li Yuxong, who treat him as an enemy, started admiring him. 

Li Yuxong asked. "If you were in his place, could you do it?"

Huang Ling looked at Li Yuxong and replied with a serious face. "No"

Li Yuxong felt a deep incompetence. "I can't even match my enemy?"

Huang Ling sighed. "You don't have to think about it. He is putting his life on the line, because he has no choice. In our case, deep within, we feel this opportunity isn't that good, because we could even practice without it. But think from his perspective. What would he think?"

Li Yuxong was surprised and said. "If I were him, I would also want to maximize my soul cultivation, because it is unlikely that I would have chance to do it again."

Huang Ling nodded. "So, you don't have to worry so much. Your talent is much higher than him!"

Li Yuxong felt much better after listening that.

4 months more passed

1st November, Year 42021 of Elemental Era

Ren Ying's soul cultivation reached Rank 5 mid stage!

He opened his eyes, and sighed. "Finally Rank 5 mid stage. I want to continue, but it is unrealistic to keep increasing the Soul Cultivation, or else I wouldn't even see the real Inheritance."

He came out of the lake and thought. 'There is still 6 months before Inheritance, counting the journey time, and keeping some reserve time for unexpected situations, I have 4 months!

He looked at Huang Ling and said. "Help me practice."

Huang Ling questioned. "What do you mean?" Li Yuxong was also puzzled.

Ren Ying clarified. "I am unable to control over my body, so I want you to fight with me. Don't go too heavy, just enough to have Rank 2 Battle strength."

Huang Ling looked at him and said. "You can use Li Yuxong for the practice, he is only Rank 4."

Ren Ying answered. "I don't trust him. He is madman, he would rather die with me than let me live."

Huang Ling nodded.

Li Yuxong continued his Soul Cultivation, and once in a while, he would also practice with Huang Ling, since his Soul Cultivation also surpassed his Warrior Cultivation.

Ren Ying's perseverance taught many things to Li Yuxong. He also started working hard like him. This is human nature. Humans learn from their surroundings, their environment. They improve through experiences.

3 months later

1st February, Year 42022 of Elemental Era

Ren Ying looked at his body and nodded with satisfaction. "Earlier than expected."

Although it seems too long at one glance for someone to adapt to their body. But if one think about it, he can understand. 

Let's say you are fighting your enemy, and your eyes detected a weakness. Then, you would target the weakness, isn't it?

But, with this abnormal gap of Soul and Body, before his body could react, the weakness will disappear, and the body would still follow the instructions. The result? Instead of targeting the weakness, we let the opponent get a chance to counter attack!

Thus, he have to adapt so that he can slow down his dynamic vision corresponding to his body!

He also looked at his cultivation, and murmured. "I can reach Rank 3 soon."

In these 3 months, not only did he focused on adapting his body, but in the mean time, he also continued his cultivation.

Meanwhile, Li Yuxong and Huang Ling were practicing. 

Suddenly Li Yuxong said. "I am alright now." Huang Ling was puzzled.

Li Yuxong repeated. "I can feel, I can cure my poison now." Huang Ling was surprised and happy at the same time. "But, I felt it will take a while?"

Li Yuxong nodded. "My soul cultivation improved, and thus the Spiritual Imprint's ability also improved qualitatively!"

"We can kill him now" She said with sharp tone.

Li Yuxong's eyes also turned sharp. "Now is not the time"

Huang Ling looked at him and asked. "Why?"

Li Yuxong said. "I remember him saying something once!"

"If you ever have grudge with an enemy, and you are strong enough. Don't attack right away, but wait. Let your enemy have some hope, and then make him feel despair, crushing all his hopes!"

Huang Ling felt something wrong, but still nodded.

She looked at Ren Ying far away, who was leisurely taking out Spirit Stones and cultivating, not knowing a huge danger has befallen upon him.

Ren Ying continued his cultivation.

Region Number 14

Wang Xueyao opened her eyes and sighed. "It's getting more and more difficult to breakthrough. Even though I don't possess any bottleneck, I still need to accumulate for a long time to breakthrough. Even if I possess sufficient Spirit Stones, it takes too long to absorb energy from it. It's been three years, and I still haven't broken through Rank 6 mid stage!"

Now, it is time to set off. 

She came out of the cave, and went straight to a certain camp. A man in a blue robe greeted her.

She said. "Ask everyone to prepare. We would set off now."

Azure faction

Li Cheng gathered everyone. Li Ming was alongside him. He has grown into a tall man, with long hair and traces of moustache. He is now Rank 3 mid stage Warrior, and Li Cheng's cultivation also entered Rank 5 early stage!

Wang Haoran, and his protector Wang Jun are also present. Wang Haoran has reached Rank 3 late stage, and Wang Jun is still at Rank 4 peak stage.

Wang Jun and Li Cheng are leading the Azure faction this time. Li Cheng shouted. "We have already got the news that each of the Jade Harbor city factions fought amongst each other and heavily weakened themselves. So, we have a good chance in this inheritance. But, don't risk your lives. Protecting your life comes as a first priority!"

Region 9

Ren Ying opened his eyes and thought. 'Within 1 month, I have to prepare everything.'

Suddenly, he felt something, and took out his communication token. It was from Tang Liuyue. Since last year, there has been many occurrence when she initiated the contact. But, Ren Ying was completely focused on Soul Cultivation and ignored it.

This time, he accepted it. A voice came out from it. "Big brother Ren, where are you? Are you alright? Do you know how worried I have been since your connection was off...."

Hearing the continuous questions, Ren Ying felt warm inwardly. He replied. "I was stuck somewhere, and couldn't talk, forgive me!"

Tang Liuyue reprimanded. "At least you should have notified me before. Do you know how worried I was?"

Ren Ying nodded. "Yes yes, It was my mistake. I promise it won't happen again."

At this, she asked. "Brother Ren, are you coming for the inheritance?"

Ren Ying replied positively. "Yes, I will definitely come."

She asked again. "When?"

Ren Ying answered. "within 2 months"

Tang Liuyue continued talking, and Ren Ying also continued replying to her patiently.

Huang Ling, peeking behind a rock, looked all that and was surprised. "It seems he is not completely heartless."

Li Yuxong rebutted. "It is likely he is playing with her feelings." Huang Ling didn't reply, agreeing to his opinion.

Huang Ling looked at Li Yuxong and suddenly asked. "The inheritance will be over soon. What do you think?"

Li Yuxong was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Huang Ling glared at him and sighed. "What do you think about us? You know, I can no longer be the saintess of my sect, and I might even get punished. But, what I am worried about is you. They might target you!"

Ren Ying, who no one knows when popped there, listening there chit chat, advised. "You are thinking too much. They won't do anything."

Huang Ling looked at him and asked. "How do you know? And when did you arrive?"

Ren Ying mysteriously smiled and said. "Just let your husband reveal his talent, and they would do everything to recruit him, rather than targeting him." He paused and continued. "Are you the only one allowed to peek?"

Li Yuxong's face changed. 'Did he notice it too?'