Zhang Hao vs Xin Long

Zhang Hao cursed at his bad luck. He immediately stood up and casted Thundering Dragon Strike at Qin Yuanzhe who was rushing towards him, but it also failed. He immediately felt the problem and dodged back. Just like how even a professional archer can't hit perfect score every time, a Warrior can't use a technique 100% of the time.

Every Secret Technique in this world has a certain probability of failure, specially ones that doesn't utilize the surrounding energy. Those Secret Techniques that are mastered from utilizing internal Spiritual Essence are generally easy to master, but the probability of successful casting is lower.

Zhang Hao felt irritation swallowing his rationality and immediately suppressed it and calmed down. He thought: 'Is there really no way?'

He immediately started thinking deeply and looking at every resources he possess. He looked at the battlefield and went into deep thought.

Qin Yuanzhi laughed. "Is that all you got? See, in front of absolute strength, how pitiful you are. All you got are some cheap tricks which won't help you forever."

Zhang Hao looked at the sword few meters ahead of him, and Qin Yuanzhi who was about to charge. He looked at the sword again and moved fast to grab it.

Qin Yuanzhi laughed. "I won't allow it." Saying that, he used his Sword and immediately used the Flame Blade Fury to attack Zhang Hao.

But what he didn't expect was the sudden acceleration of Zhang Hao. All this time, he has been using Wind Rider Sprint, but this time, he used Thunderflash Dash. But, Qin Yuanzhi was also not slow. If Zhang Hao bends to pick up the sword, Qin Yuanzhi would be able to attack him successfully.

But, Zhang Hao, instead of bending down, walk over it and used Flying Sword Technique to further accelerate him, catching Qin Yuanzhi off guard.

This sudden change not only caught Qin Yuanzhi off guard but the whole crowd and everyone became stunned.

Zhang Hao stopped at the border of the Arena and looked at everyone with a cold gaze. Qin Yuanzhi was also standing in the middle of the arena, and he has already taken back his Secret Technique.

Blood splattered from his neck as he fell down.

Zhang Hao looked at the sect leader and said calmly. "Sect Leader, Please save him, or else he might die."

Su Zun narrowed his eyes and didn't say anything. He immediately utilized his Law power and healed Qin Yuanzhi without even moving. Looking at this, everyone felt at awe of his strength.

He murmured. "This man is truly not simple."

What Zhang Hao did completely silenced Qin Yuanzhe's supporters. This time, he defeated him in a fair and square battle!

Soon, the battle between Xin Long and Wen Rong also started.

Xin Long was a handsome man with Rank 4 peak cultivation. According to Gu Shaoyu, he is from one of the small family in Golden Plains. Because of his talent, he was selected as a core disciple of one of a low level sect, and later, with the help of their sect master, he got to know about this place and he arrived here.

Wen Rong is an average looking young man with Rank 4 peak stage cultivation. But, his Soul Cultivation is Rank 5 early stage.

Zhang Hao looked at the battle of Xin Long and Wen Rong. He has already analyzed the battle of most of the Warriors before fighting.

Know your enemy and know yourself, you won't loose hundred battles.

As soon as both entered the stage, Wen Rong immediately summoned his natal beast. Wen Rong is a beastmaster, thus using beast is allowed, since it also consumes his soul power. 

A beastmaster has a natal beast which feeds on his master's soul power to attack. If a beast attack on it's own, then it won't be as efficient as a beastmaster commanding it.

A calm strategist wins over a mad beast!

Normally a beastmaster's close combat is weak. They can only focus on one aspect, either training beasts or training their own combat.

A huge snake appeared on the stage. Looking at it, everyone was surprised. 

It was Rank 5 early stage beast: Frostbite Serpent. In previous every battle, he had summoned a Rank 4 peak stage beast Sunshadow Rat.

Zhang Hao looked at him and nodded. "I expected he possess some other trump card. The confidence in his eyes and the pride proved it all. But, this Xin Long is also not simple."

Xin Long looked at Wen Rong and without backing off, he rushed towards him. Seeing this Wen Rong has a disdain on his face. 

Without speaking anything, he internally contacted the Frostbite Serpent and ordered it to use it's attack.

Listening the order, it immediately attacked Xin Long with it's sharp fangs, and flexibly used it's tail at the same time to avoid him fleeing and attacking it's master. 

Xin Long looked indifferent. He took out a sword and started attacking it from all the directions. A sharp bright light flashed, catching the Serpent off guard and breaking it's one of the fang.

The frostbite Serpent felt a huge pain, and in the mean time, Xin Long found a loophole and immediately bypassed it and put his sword on the neck of Wen Rong. 

"You loose!"

Wen Rong was surprised, and also felt a huge blow. He clenched his fist and left the arena with his beast.

Everyone was surprised at his attack. Even Su Zun was surprised. "A 30 year old young man already learnt Sword Intent! His talent is unmatchable."

Ji Changchen replied calmly. "What is the big deal of Sword Intent? I learnt it a year ago!"

Su Zun looked at Ji Changchen and didn't reply. 'It is undeniable that he is the strongest genius in this era.'

Zhang Hao looked at it and went into a deep thought.

'Is this sword intent? Looking at it feels different.'

The battle thus ended in an unpredictable manner. Su Zun stood up and said. "The next battle will be 1 week from now. Till then, let the two top rankers rest properly."

At the same time Su Zun looked at Ji Changchen and Chu Xin and said deeply. "You better control yourself. If I found you doing what you shouldn't have, I can guarantee even your father won't be able to save you."

Ji Changchen looked at Su Zun deeply and didn't say anything. He is aware that Celestial Sect is strongest but not invincible.

Chu Xin looked at Ji Changchen and said. "Young master, what do..."

Ji Changchen didn't let him continue. "Didn't you hear what sect master said? There is no rush, I will handle him with my own hands. Last time he poisoned me, I want to see what he have this time."


At midnight

Xin Long was in a nearby arena from his place and practicing with his sword. Suddenly he heard a voice. 

"I heard you were utterly defeated by Ji Changchen?"

Xin Long's eyes narrowed and gritted his teeth. "What does it have to do with you?"

Zhang Hao came to him and removed his disguise. People like Xin Long will only help those who are trustworthy and won't trust anyone so easily. Showing sincerity is necessary.

Zhang Hao said with a smile. "It doesn't have anything to do with me. But, just like you, I also have an enmity with him."

Xin Long looked at him and said with disdain. "Oh, but why should I trust you?"

Zhang Hao replied calmly. "You don't have to trust me, but I am here for a trade."

Xin Long narrowed his eyes. "Go on"

Zhang Hao replied. "Teach me your Sword Intent for 1 week, in return you can ask me anything about cultivation."

Xin Long looked at him and said. "You are only Rank 4 early stage and you want me to ask you about cultivation."

Zhang Hao smiled meaningfully and didn't reply. Sometimes letting others think can help simplifying the situation.

Xin Long said. "Fine, but what I want is Cultivation Technique, at least Rank 7. If you have, then I will teach you."

Zhang Hao nodded. "I will provide you by tomorrow. Let's begin practice right away."

Li Gang possessed countless Cultivation Techniques from Lin Fan's memory. He just have to search them and write it out.

Xin Long was surprised. "Right now?"

Zhang Hao nodded. "Yes..." Without wasting time, he took out a sword.

Li Gang/Zhang Hao had already obtained the cultivation experience of Lin Fan. But these only serve as theoretical knowledge. 


Because human brain comprises of countless neurons. Only with continuous practice, does more and more neurons get activated and become familiar with those moves. 

Even if you get the memory of a great footballer, you can't become great yourself because it also needs your body to get familiarized so much so that it could move even without thinking, just based on intuition.

Same goes with Li Gang, he knows how to use Sword Intent, but his body is not familiarized with it. He needs to practice it sufficient enough to be able to use it without even thinking.

Xin Long first showed basic steps. But even this basic step is difficult to achieve in reality. Just like shooting arrow, explaining is easy but achieving is difficult.

Their practice continued, and with Lin Fan's experience, it became very easy for Li Gang. He was able to show Sword Intent in 1 day, and then continued to practice it day and night without any rest till 5th day.

On this day, he said goodbye to Xin Long. "Be prepared to loose."

Xin Long laughed. "We will see in the battlefield."

They have gotten very close in last 5 days. Xin Long also started admiring Li Gang's hard work.

Li Gang returned to his resting place and sat down. He murmured. 'I should sleep for the next two days.'

He first informed the person in-charge to wake him up in two days and then went back for the rest.

2 days later

Everyone was gathered again at the arena, to watch the battle of the number 1. Both are the dark horses who surpassed the expectations.

Ji Changchen was also waiting for the opportunity. He looked at Chu Xin and asked. "What do you think, who would win in this battle?"

Chu Xin replied calmly. "Xin Long, without a doubt. His sword intent is strong, and Zhang Hao can't match it."

Ji Changchen nodded. He murmured inwardly. 'But my intuition tells me Li Gang may be the one who achieves victory here.'

Su Zun looked at Ji Changchen and smiled. "You are thinking it right. Zhang Hao should be the one who will win if nothing goes wrong."

Ji Changchen looked at him and cursed inwardly. 'Old fox'

Soon the battle between Xin Long and Zhang Hao started.