Mission to Tianwu City

Ethereal Sect, Assassin Hall

Ming Chuan was sitting over a top position and many young men were standing in his front. There were 5 men and 2 women. 

He introduced them one by one to Li Gang who was also among them. 

"This one is my eldest disciple, named Xin Feng. He is my successor and will be next head of Assassin Hall."

Xin Feng nodded at Li Gang and smiled. "If you need any help you can tell me!"

Ming Chuan has already introduced about Li Gang. He continued.

"These are Fang Chen, Yuan Guo, Dai Lin, Tang Yan and Tang Yue. These are all my disciples. I wanted you to get along with them. From now on, you will will do missions and learn the essence of Assassination and how to attack stealthily. After training for few years, I will teach you the essence of Archery and how to learn Bow intent and Bow heart, just like your Sword heart."

Xin Feng is a Rank 6 early stage Warrior, while Fang Chen and Yuan Guo are Rank 5 late stage. Dai Lin is Rank 5 mid stage. Tang Yan and Tang Yue belong to the same background and are cousins. Tang Yan is Rank 5 early stage and Tang Yue is Rank 4 peak stage Warrior.

Li Gang nodded. 

"Okay, you can go now. Feng-er, you stay."

One by one, everyone left except Xin Feng. 


Yuan Guo spoke first. "Let's go and look at missions."

Li Gang nodded. The team of five went together. But the environment was kind of weird, may be because they were all assassins, they didn't speak too much and look like introverts.

Li Gang felt much better, because he also likes such environment where no one disturbs his training. 

Soon, they reached the Mission Hall. There were many missions present on a large board hung over there. After taking these missions, they have to register before they can go for it. 

Yuan Guo looked at missions, and finally selected one of them. 

"Assassinate the young master of Qin family, Qin Yuanlong.

Details about Qin Yuanlong: Young master of Qin family

Age: 44 years

Cultivation: Rank 5 mid stage Warrior

Soul Cultivation: Rank 5 late stage

Weapon: Proficient in Spear."

He shared the mission to everyone.

Tang Yue read it and said. "It would be difficult. Ancient Qin family is no joke. You know that there is a Rank 6 present in the Qin family, don't you?"

Dai Lin also replied calmly. "We are assassins, we don't fear kings. Even if we die, we must complete our missions."

Li Gang looked at Dai Lin and had only one thought in his mind. 'madman!'

Yuan Guo said deeply. "We had been fighting like this since the beginning and this is the only way to get stronger. Yue-er, you are youngest among us along with Yan-er. You should focus on gaining experience from these life and death missions."

Li Gang took a deep breath and suddenly asked in a low voice. "Are you people the only disciples Hall master took?"

They were caught off guard at the sudden question. Fang Chen who was most senior among them said deeply. "This is our way to increase our skills. Even though you are young, you shouldn't question our methods."

Li Gang stared at Fang Chen and didn't speak anymore. His earlier words had a hidden meaning. He asked if they were the only disciples hall master took, which means he was indirectly querying if Hall master had other disciples who are no longer alive, since he already stated these were the only disciples he had. What Li Gang truly wanted to know is if all the disciples in Assassin Hall are like this despite loosing lives on missions!

Fang Chen immediately understood his hidden meaning. And, it is obvious since they were talking about the similar context. In fact, Li Gang's intuition is right. Ming Chuan had lost over dozens of his disciples in the past, but he didn't change his ruthless method. He believes those who are destined would always be sharpened, and those who are not are not worth cultivating!

Dai Lin said with a deep voice. "If you are afraid, you can never become strong. We also have our means of saving our lives, so don't worry too much about it. Once, Senior brother Xin assassinated a late stage rank 6 Warrior of Celestial Sect."

Li Gang was genuinely surprised. He had fought with Ji Changchen and he knows how strong Celestial Sect techniques truly are. Especially killing Rank 6 Warrior!

Fang Chen said. "We will leave in a month. Till then, get ready with your weapons and items you need on the way."

Li Gang thought about something and asked suddenly. "Isn't Qin Yuanzhi also from Qin family?"

Fang Chen . "Yes, Qin Yuanzhi is step brother of Qin Yuanlong. Qin Yuanlong is the next in line for the patriarch of Qin family. He is the disciple of our Ethereal Sect, so we would inform him about this mission. Our Assassin Hall has a rule. If there is a mission related to disciples of the Ethereal Sect, we would inform those disciple. We would only inform that the particular member related to him is in danger and is going to be assassinated. If the disciple is capable to gather enough contribution points, he can use those contribution points to ask for safety and in that case we would change mission from assassination to protection. This one month gap is also for that disciple and not for us to prepare."

Li Gang nodded. 'It is reasonable.'


1 month later

Li Gang prepared for the mission properly. He got himself a new Bow and a new Sword. He already possessed one beforehand, but he felt it is better to get another one as a spare.

His cultivation can no longer improve, but his skills have definitely improved over this period. 

Grade 5: Thunderflash Dash: 99% (Advance late stage)

Grade 5: Soulshield Ward: 99% (Advance early stage)

Grade 5: Whispering Wind Arrow: 99% (Intermediate mid stage)

Grade 4: Wind-Thunder Eagle Eye: 99% (Advance early stage)

Grade 8: Blade of Brilliance: 30% (Intermediate early stage)

These improvements are not just the result of 1 month, but last few years he spent in training! Especially Blade of Brilliance. It is a Grade 8 technique, given to Li Yuxong by Jiang Wushuang, and it's improvement is much more difficult. With this, he should be able to launch an attack power equivalent to seriously injure Rank 5 peak stage, of course if the opponent take it head on without any defense.

Li Gang came to the place where the team had appointed there meeting. 

Yuan Guo looked at Li Gang coming and said. "You are late."

Li Gang ignored him and didn't respond. Yuan Guo also did not pursue it any further. He started explaining the situation.

"According to our information, Qin Yuanlong is the next heir of Ancient Qin family...."

Yuan Guo explained everything about his enemies and allies and what plans they will follow. Explaining about allies is important part for team work.

Ancient Qin family has very long and deep heritage. It's been there even before Ethereal Sect and it is said that it was once an overlord of the Northern region of Central Continent. 

But later, due to some internal conflicts, which led to external attacks, it's inheritance was damaged, and it fell to current level. Now, the strongest person in the Qin family is a Rank 6 late stage Warrior.

It has also been in a continuous war with He family of Tianwu City. This time, the assassination mission was assigned by some internal member of the Qin family. The internal conflict often leads to the demise of an empire!

The current patriarch of Qin family, Qin Jia had two sons, one born from his main wife and another from his concubine: Qin Yuanlong and Qin Yuanzhi.

Qin Yuanzhi has always been very talented since he was young, while Qin Yuanlong was born from the main wife Hong Yue and was the heir. His talent was average, but 10 years earlier, he awakened some hidden potential. His cultivation increased very fast and he shut every person who questioned his position as a heir.

Qin Jia is a Rank 6 mid stage on the surface, but he has already reached Rank 6 late stage Warrior. There are two more Rank 6 Warriors in the Qin family, one is great elder Qin Zheng, and other is one of the servant he hired in his earlier days. He was lucky to find out that the ordinary servant he hired was a very talented cultivator and he treated him like his own son. His name is Qin Yuanshu, given by Qin Jia himself. He is a Rank 6 early stage Warrior, on par with the great elder.

Around 60% of the geniuses in the world come from humble background. It is also understandable if you look at their population. They comprise over 90% of the total population. What is surprising is those 40%! A talented father often have a talented child for some reasons. Even though talent is merely compatibility between Body and Soul, this still happens. There is also Spiritual Imprint. A family often produce similar kind of Spiritual Imprint. Even Li family is known for their Wood attributes in Azure Mountain.

Just take He family as another example. He family is known for their Ice Attributes. They have only two Rank 6 Warriors, but their Patriarch, He Zhen is Rank 6 peak stage Warrior! He family is able to hold it's ground against Qin family mainly because of their stronger Warriors and higher talents. But, in this generation, they didn't produce much talent and thus they created many circumstances to weaken the Qin family. This lead to multiple conflicts among them.

He Zhen's son He Fan is only C grade Talent. He was very disappointed. In order to pave the way for his son, he searched for many methods but remain unsuccessful. Even though he helped him reach Rank 4 mid stage Warrior with the help of many resources, He Fan's potential has exhausted and there is no more room for improvement. So, he adopted a very talented child from a humble background. He Zhen still tries to search for methods to improve his son's talent.


Ethereal Peak Territory, Tianwu City, Qin family

Qin Jia looked at Qin Yuanlong and asked with satisfied expression. "How long?"

Qin Yuanlong smiled. "Just two more days, and I will reach Rank 5 late stage!"

Qin Jia smiled heartedly. He said. "Good good. Long-er, I am happy to give you this Patriarch position. The day of Patriarch Coronation ceremony is not far. You will defeat all of your opponents and declare to the world that a new brave patriarch has risen!"

Qin Yuanlong's head was high, like a king! He didn't speak anything and just looked at the dragon tattoo in his hand, hiding it from Qin Jia.