He Fan

Tianwu City, Qin family, 3rd day of Patriarch Ceremony

Li Gang looked at Tang Yan and Dai Lin and sighed. 'The plan failed very badly. Except for Fang Chen and Tang Yue who have yet to make a move, everyone else were caught.'

If not for the fact that Qin Yuanlong saw through everything from the beginning, Li Gang might have succeeded.

Tang Yan disguised as one of the Warrior of Qin family and informed Qin Jia that someone was attacking Secret Vault, and even though Qin Jia ordered them to leave, none of them actually left. It's because Qin Yuanlong has already considered the diversion tactics and told Qin Jia beforehand.

For more safety, Qin Jia also asked Qin Yuanshu to specifically guard the Secret Vault in case of some unforeseen circumstances. He is rank 6 Warrior, and it would be perfectly safe with him around.

Qin Yuanlong smiled. "I know there might be some mice who didn't fell for the trap! But it doesn't matter. We will execute you three tomorrow publicly. If they want to save you, they have only one day time."

Yuan Guo thought and said in a deep voice. "It seems you were already aware about our assassination beforehand."

Tang Yan was surprised.

Qin Jia laughed. "Yes, we, higher ups, were already aware about the assassins. We only hinted him he might be assassinated and the rest was done by him alone. This was a test that we gave him in this Ceremony and it seems he passed it brilliantly."

One might wonder Qin Yuanzhi to be the one who leaked the information. But in fact it is impossible. The Ethereal Sect is situated in an entirely different space and it is impossible to initiate communication across different space, unless one has the ability to manipulate the concepts itself like Emperors. Qin Yuanzhi wasn't allowed to leave the sect after receiving the information, and thus it was impossible for him to leak it. Yuan Guo and others were aware and thus no one suspected Qin Yuanzhi to begin with.


At a certain location, far from this place

Tang Yue said deeply. "The plan failed and they are all caught."

Fang Chen looked at her deeply and said. "Oh!"

He said immediately. "Prepare the backup plan, and immediately use the reverse teleportation formation."

Reverse teleportation formation is a unique method of Ethereal Sect Assassin Hall. It is operated using two people and is able to summon back the marked Warriors. This is also the reason Fang Chen and Yuan Guo dared to take this mission. The ancient Qin family doesn't have a king, and thus, they can't possibly block space.

As soon as they were about to use the method, they heard a movement behind them. Fang Chen glanced towards the location of the movement and his face turned heavy.


Ethereal Sect, Assassin Hall

Xin Feng glanced at Ming Chuan and asked deeply. "Master, did they left for Tianwu city?"

Ming Chuan nodded. "Yes, why do you ask that suddenly?"

Xin Feng said in an agitated manner. "Master, how could you let them go there? Did you forget what I told you before?"

Ming Chuan smiled. "I know that person defeated you thoroughly, but you don't have to worry, they won't mess with that person. Their aim is Qin family, and that person have no need since there is no conflict of interest."

Xin Feng replied heavily. "Master, that person is terrifying. Detectives are generally only good at their deduction ability, but that person can not only deduce things, but the way he plans and strategizes, it is like he knew everything from the very beginning."

As he said, memories of 14 years back poured into his mind. That was the only failure he ever faced. 

Xin Feng took the task to assassinate a prodigy of He family. He was the adopted son of He Zhen, named He Liang. He Liang's talent was on par with current Qin Yuanlong and had already reached Rank 5 peak stage at that time. Now, he should have already reached Rank 6 early stage.

He went alone, and hid his trace as much as possible, but a certain individual still found his trace. Xin Feng can never forget that face.

A beautiful appearance with sword shaped mark on his forehead. He wore yellow coloured Tsing Yi, with an immortal like temperament. He possessed a flute, kept on his waist and rode a Peacock. He was a beastmaster. 

What surprised Xin Feng most is that person was rumoured good for nothing son of He family: He Fan!

He Fan's natal beast was a Rank 5 peak stage Heavenly Peacock. Even with just Rank 4 cultivation, he was easily able to control the Heavenly Peacock. His every move was graceful, and his flute could seduce countless fairies with it's sound. All kinds of animals and birds flock towards him when he plays the flute.

He still remember that day, when he was about to kill He Liang, He Fan suddenly caught his hand from the side. 

Xin Feng couldn't even realize when He Fan came near him. He couldn't even perceive his existence. He Fan felt like a deep abyss but ironically, the smile on his face can make countless people go crazy.

He gracefully put down Xin Feng's hands and smiled. "You can't kill him, he is my brother after all. I can let you leave as it was your first offence, but if you repeat, it won't be good."

The words he said were like a gentle breeze making people immerse in it. 

Even Xin Feng felt chill running down his spine. He only asked. "How did you know?"

He Fan replied calmly. "You left too much clues."

Xin Feng glanced at him and said. "Are you a detective?"

He Fan smiled. "Detective?" Saying that, he glanced deeply at Xin Feng. 

Xin Feng could clearly feel disdain in his voice. He knew the plan failed and since the other party gave him the chance to leave, he utilized the chance and started leaving. 

At that moment, He Liang, who was supposed to be poisoned woke up. He glanced at Xin Feng and asked. "Big brother, is he the assassin you told about? Why are you letting him leave?"

He Fan smiled. "He is high ranking disciple of Ethereal Sect after all, we should at least give them some face."

Xin Feng felt chill as he looked backward. He stuttered. "We-weren't you poisoned?"

He Liang smiled. "Your entire plan was seen through long before you implemented them, and big brother has already gave the antidote of the poison even before I was poisoned. I was merely acting to be poisoned."

At that moment, Xin Feng faced a crushing defeat. He never leaked to anyone what poison he was going to use, yet He Fan seemed to be aware of that and even prepared the antidote beforehand! This was the biggest defeat he faced in his life. 

Xin Feng still couldn't forget that incident.

He looked at his master and sighed. "I hope it goes well."


Tianwu City, Qin family prison

Yuan Guo murmured. "Why hasn't the reverse teleportation activated yet? They should already be aware that plan failed."

Tang Yan said heavily. "Could it be that they are also captured?"

Yuan Guo immediately denied. "No, if they were captured, we would have been executed with them. It is very unlikely."

Dai Lin glanced at Li Gang and felt irritated. "Are you practicing even in this situation?"

Li Gang ignored him and continued his practice. Ever since he saw Yuan Guo and Fang Chen removing traces, he had been curious. He asked them for the method and has been practicing it since then the moment he gets free.

Yuan Guo sighed. "If only I had realized it sooner."

Dai Lin glanced at Yuan Guo and asked. "What do you mean big brother?"

Yuan Guo took a deep breath and said calmly. "An Wei"

Li Gang was surprised when he heard it and immediately looked at Yuan Guo. Unexpectedly, Yuan Guo was already looking towards him. He said to Li Gang. "I was right, you have also realized this!"

Dai Lin was confused.

Yuan Guo explained. "An Wei is a detective!"

Tang Yan and Dai Lin were shocked. "What?!"

Yuan Guo nodded. "The whole plan was exposed by An Wei and not Qin Yuanlong!"

Tang Yan immediately realized. "He said he suspected An Wei first. That means he was hiding this fact. Given our abilities, we would have suspected that An Wei was the mastermind, so he wanted us to think otherwise! But why? He already caught us, so why did he do that?"

Yuan Guo replied calmly. "He didn't say that to divert us. He did it to divert other assassins. In that Restaurant, we were not the only assassins disguised ourselves. There were others. They might have noticed something unusual between An Wei and Qin Yuanlong. Qin Yuanlong wanted them to think otherwise."

Yuan Guo paused and then continued. "In fact, An Wei was already present in the crowd and had been transmitting voice to Qin Yuanlong. This is how he knew about Li Gang's disguise beforehand and was able to foil his plans."


On the other hand, Qin Yuanlong faced two more assassination attempt, but he easily nullified their attacks and captured them. 

After all, Ethereal Sect wasn't the only one who got this task. This task have been posted in several other Assassination organization as well.

The reason he captured them is to openly give them death sentence in front of crowd to set it as an example for people.

Next day will be the last day of the Ceremony, and thus, he will end it by punishing these assassins.

Qin Jia glanced at Qin Yuanlong and smiled. "Worthy of the future patriarch. The Qin family will surely prosper under you!"

Qin Yuanlong smiled. "Father, have you mobilized the guards?"

Qin Jia nodded. "Yes, don't worry, we won't let any mice escape. Some might have already been caught."

Qin Yuanlong asked again. "What about that thing?"

Qin Jia nodded. "Don't worry, everything is going as you planned."