Jin Huang

Su Mei was surprised. "But, didn't the rumors say that the Timeless Demon God killed billions of people who stood in his way?"

He Fan responded straightforwardly, "In order to achieve something, sacrifices are inevitable. What he aimed to accomplish didn't align with the interests of the Immortal race. They all left their meditative state and combined their strength to stop him. But the Timeless Demon God had already transcended even among the Immortal Race. If he wanted, he could have easily ascended to the God Realm, but instead, he went against the entire Immortal Race. He sealed their divinity and turned them from Immortals into weak, pitiful humans! What he didn't expect was that some Immortals escaped, and now they control our world! Because of his deeds, the Supreme Goddess was both angry and pleased. What he did was beyond anyone's expectations, but since he let some mice escape, he deserved punishment. She not only rewarded him with Godhood but also condemned him to infinite reincarnations, sealing away his Godly Divinity!"

Su Mei looked at He Fan and asked puzzledly, "So, we are the Immortal Race with sealed divinity? And you mean to say the Timeless Demon God is still alive somewhere in his reincarnated form?"

He Fan smiled mysteriously, "Yes! The Timeless Demon God is still alive!"


Northern Continent

The Northern Continent is divided into four Great Countries: The Great Wei Dynasty, The Great Wu Dynasty, The Great Shu Dynasty, and The Golden Crow Kingdom.

Among these four dynasties, the Golden Crow Kingdom occupies 50% of the Continental area in the northern part, the Wu and Shu Dynasties occupy 20% each in the western and eastern parts respectively, while the Wei Dynasty occupies the southern part with 10% of the area.

The Northern Continent lacks talented individuals, resources, and Spiritual Essence. Even if someone is born talented, they eventually leave the Northern Continent to explore the world.

In the last 1000 years, the Golden Crow Kingdom has developed significantly. From just a small province, it has grown into a large kingdom. It has expanded by 20% in the last hundred years due to the emergence of twin geniuses known as the Dragon and Phoenix of the North! These two are Jin Huang and Jin Long. They possess B Grade Aptitude, with Rank 6 Spiritual Imprints. They have the highest cultivation in the Northern Continent, both reaching Rank 6 late stage.


Golden Crow Kingdom, Main Palace

Jin Long was alone with his wife when suddenly the door was pushed open.Jin Long frowned, but after seeing the visitor, his anger instantly dissipated. He glanced at the visitor and asked, "What happened, Huang-er?"

Jin Huang glanced at him and said lightly, "I visited the Starfall Canyon. Although its entrance has been destroyed and making a way may cause some internal destruction, I have analyzed its structure. From my analysis, I believe we can dig out another entrance. If we can reclaim it, our losses can be minimized by 50%. You know how important Starfall Canyon is to us!"

Jin Long felt irritated, but he dared not raise his voice. He asked lightly, "So, you came here just to inform me about this? You could have informed me later!"

Jin Huang didn't care and replied, "The entrance we found requires us to claim some of the area of the Wu Dynasty. In fact, it is within our area, but since it is near the border, it would be dangerous. We have to attack that place right away and claim some of their areas."

Jin Long was surprised. "What do you mean? You want to declare war on Wu?"Jin Huang replied calmly, "Don't worry, they won't attack. I will take care of everything. You just give the order to mobilize the army."

Jin Long was about to continue, but Jin Huang said in a deep voice, "I said I will handle it!"

Jin Long didn't speak anymore and took out a scroll, giving a decree to all the military to follow Jin Huang's orders for the next two months.

Jin Huang glanced at the scroll and left immediately.

Jin Long sighed when he suddenly heard a voice from behind.

Shi Nan asked, "Why do you always listen to her as if she is the king and not you?"

Shi Nan is the daughter of General Shi Tian. Shi Tian is a strong Warrior with a cultivation of Rank 6 early stage.

Jin Long glanced at his wife and said lightly, "I have no other choice. She is one of the major powerhouses of our Kingdom, and without her, the Wu and the Shu dynasties could easily defeat us!"

Shi Nan was surprised. "How could it be? We have a much larger military than them."

Jin Long replied calmly, "You have just entered the harem, so you probably are unaware. The strategists of Wu and Shu Dynasties are very shrewd. They threatened us multiple times and if not for the existence of Huang-er, we would have lost multiple territories. Huang-er is not only strong, but her intelligence and strategies are also unrivaled in the entire Northern Continent. We were able to expand our kingdom only thanks to her. She has the capability to conquer the entire Northern Continent—no, she can conquer the entire world if left unchecked. It is my luck that she is not that interested in power!"

Shi Nan was surprised. She asked, "If she is that powerful, wouldn't it be better to take care of her before she goes against you?"

Jin Long sighed, "It is practically impossible. You don't know how terrifying her brain is. Before I can even make a plan, she might eliminate me without even realizing it. However, I am more inclined to believe that she will leave of her own will than eliminate me."

Shi Nan looked at him, puzzled. "Why? Does she not have the slightest greed for the kingdom?"

Jin Long replied, "She is lonely. She has always been lonely. Her insight is so terrifying that she can see through people at a single glance! Because of this, she couldn't get a single ally. She finds it difficult to mix with people. For her, they all are inferior creatures. She sees people the same way ordinary people see monkeys!"


A Few Days Later, Border of Golden Crow Kingdom and Wu Dynasty

Shi Tian asked in a surprised voice, "What? You want us to directly attack the Wu Camp? You know it will shatter the peace treaty and may cause a war?"

Jin Huang replied calmly, "Your duty is to follow my order. As for whether there will be a war or not and how to handle it, that is my job. Just do what you are told!"

Shi Tian clenched his fists and murmured inwardly, 'So arrogant!'

However, he still nodded and started leaving.

Jin Huang said lightly, "Before I return, I want this whole region to be occupied."Shi Tian paused his steps and then continued leaving.

Jin Huang glanced deeply at Shi Tian and then murmured, "I should also get going."

Saying that, she took out a Rank 6 Mistral Gryphon and left while riding on it.

The Mistral Gryphon has the natural talent of controlling the Wind attribute. Due to this, its speed is very fast in the air, rivaling the Arcane Stormrider, along with very high attack power. It is a very rare breed and not easy to find. It has the capability to create disasters and even catastrophes if it reaches Rank 7!


Main Palace of Wu Dynasty

A large Gryphon suddenly hovered above the Main Palace, which alarmed the Emperor of the Wu Dynasty himself.

He immediately came out and said politely, "Young lady Jin, please come down!"

Jin Huang lowered the Mistral Gryphon and came down. She glanced towards the Emperor and then at the middle-aged man behind him.

She said calmly, "You may not have received the news yet, but I have ordered my military to capture the Golden Leaf Valley."

As soon as she said this, it was a huge blow to Wu Xiang.

Wu Xiang frowned, "What is the meaning of this, young lady Jin? Are you here to declare war on the Wu Dynasty?"

Jin Huang replied calmly, "I am here to give you a chance. Submit to the Golden Crow Kingdom and prosper; reject it and die!"

This single sentence instilled fear in Wu Xiang—the fear of losing his power.

Everyone in the Northern Continent knows about this warning. Whenever Jin Huang has issued this warning to a faction, she has always succeeded in taking down that faction within the next ten years. However, this is the first time she has issued a warning to an entire Dynasty, but her confidence is no joke!

The middle-aged man behind Emperor Wu said lightly, "Are you here to cause a distraction? You are aware that we will get the news soon enough! And to stop us from making an instant decision, you came here to interfere? What is so important about the Golden Leaf Valley?"

Jin Huang didn't even glance at him and said to Emperor Wu, "Wu Xiang, this is the only chance I will give you. You have two days to think about it."

After saying that, Jin Huang sat back on the Mistral Gryphon and left.

Wu Xiang looked at her leaving and gritted his teeth. "So arrogant, I hope you meet your nemesis soon enough!"

But soon, he calmed down. He glanced back at the middle-aged man and asked, "Guo Chen, what is your opinion on this?"

Guo Chen frowned, "Was I wrong? I thought she came here to cause a distraction!"

At that moment, a guard rushed in from the back. "Your majesty, your majesty!"

Wu Xiang looked back at the guard and asked in a majestic voice, "What happened?"

The guard, just a Rank 2 Warrior, became nervous but still said, "The Stormcloud region has been attacked!"

At that moment, Guo Chen's face changed. "Oh no, she was serious when she said she wants to conquer the Wu Dynasty. It was no distraction!"

Wu Xiang looked at Guo Chen, waiting for his explanation.

Guo Chen replied hesitatingly, "If the Golden Valley and Stormcloud region are lost, then we would automatically lose the Ironwood Plain!"