The Interrogation (Chian's side)

Chian eases himself in the interrogation room, he already knows this will happen one way or another.

After they finish what they're doing, brings back the documents also when he knows the secret about the Viviane story and the Franz family.

After Venice goes with Baron with help from the Marshall, he knows it's just a matter of time before the government will come to them.

One man enters the room and throws files onto the desk. Typical federal moves.

"What?" asked Chian.

"Hacker name, Chian aka John Anderson. 19 years old, finished his school a year ago, the second leader of the hacker organization Open-Unity."

"Hmm, did you trust that? A 19-year-old boy, becomes a second hand of the huge organization?"

"Also, on the National Intelligence Agency watchlist. Success to break into their system doesn't do anything and just sit there until they repair their system."

"Wow, impressive isn't for someone who is 19 years old."

"Stop this is not a game."

"You expose myself, mind to introduce yourself?"

"I can't let you know."

"Hmm, some black ops and just take orders from the higher rank?"

"Stop it, we need to talk now."

"We already talk, are we?"

"I'm losing my shit today. Where's Venice?"

"Vence? Why?"

"We need her."

"Yeah, for what? I ask you a question."

"Oh God, Gen Z's."

"Hey, you said you need her, and even though I know where she is, you think I'll let you know? Don't be ridiculous."

"Then you can lead us to the Night Baron?"

"Well, yeah, I can, but I can't let you have access to it. I know you put us in separate rooms, if one of you can break us we will never know, but this is what you don't know about us."


"We're loyal to our leaders. And when I say leaders, it's Vence and Franz. Vence is like a mom and Franz more like my father so back off man."

"This son of a bict-"

Braak ~!

"Shit," Chian was startled and looked to the door.

American men and also Asian men mostly like Koreans. Chian just realized what was in his eyes right now.

'A CIA agent and investigator from the prosecutor's office is here?' Chian just burst into a smile while he looked at the door.

"Don't say another word and go outside."

"Who are you?' the man that interrogate Chian was pissed off.

"You don't have to know who am I. Chian, out now."