3-Year Plan

In the secret chamber of the Shimura clan, Danzo, as the clan head, sat at the center. To his left sat the Grand Elder, while Kizaru sat on his right.

Unlike Danzo's cold expression, the Grand Elder wore a warm smile on his face. Holding a cup of hot tea, he looked at Kizaru eagerly.

To the Grand Elder, Kizaru was nothing short of a treasure! He had thought Kizaru possessing qualities that could be considered abnormal, almost comparable to a Tailed Beast's chakra, was a once-in-a-century genius. But he hadn't expected Kizaru to have created a Bloodline Limit.

The Grand Elder scrutinized Kizaru from head to toe, his gaze lingering around the thighs.

Mulling over in his mind, the Grand Elder contemplated arranging two suitors for the now six-year-old Kizaru. Estimating Kizaru's physical development speed, in another two or three years, he could start striving for the inheritance of excellent bloodlines.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable being scrutinized by this incorrigible old man, Kizaru stretched out his legs, propped himself up with his hands, and turned his gaze to the expressionless Danzo.

"The clan has decided to arrange an early graduation for you after three years of enrollment," Danzo said, looking at Kizaru in a tone as neutral as possible.

"Three years?" Kizaru furrowed his brow.

According to his plan, Kizaru had intended to stay in school for a full six years. After all, it was the only six years he could laze around without much responsibility.

"Ninja Academy education won't be of any help to you. It will only delay your growth. Your enrollment is just to help you gain fame and accumulate reputation. Three years are already enough," Danzo clarified.

"Hoo… how troublesome!" 

"Mind your tone; this is the clan's decision!" Danzo emphasized.


Kizaru made a light hum, lifting his head to look at the ceiling.

Displeased with Kizaru's attitude, Danzo's expression turned grim. His mouth opened slightly, preparing to reprimand him.

"Hehehe!" The Grand Elder chuckled, interrupting Danzo. He continued, "Kizaru-kun, for now, keep the matter of awakening your Bloodline Limit hidden."

"Understood!" Kizaru replied without asking for further details.

"Your performance in this entrance exam has already been outstanding, and the village's ninjas are discussing your performance," the Grand Elder paused, a proud expression on his face, "but in this world, nothing should be overly apparent. Continuously revealing your talents and abilities in a short time will only make everyone accustomed to it, while constantly raising expectations, bringing you unnecessary pressure."

Concerned that the six-year-old Kizaru might not understand his arrangements and hard work, the Grand Elder somewhat tediously explained.

"Arranging your enrollment for three years is a decision made after discussion between me and the clan head. You must remember, your future goal isn't just to become a decently strong individual or merely to ascend to the position of Hokage. We have higher expectations for you. You have the potential to achieve and even surpass the First Hokage!" 

As he spoke, the Grand Elder's expression also turned serious.

Sitting at the main seat, Danzo remained equally serious. Both looked at Kizaru together.

"To help you gain fame, we've designed a 'Nurturing Plan' for your next three years at school," Danzo said, "We'll assist you and ensure you achieve amazing results each year."

"This year's plan was initially for you to master an S-rank Wind Release Ninjutsu before the end of the first semester and display it during the final exam. But now, since you've awakened the Bloodline Limit, just showcase it during the final exam!"

Finishing up, a glimpse of Hiruzen's shocked expression when he saw his nephew using a Bloodline Limit Ninjutsu started to appear on Danzo's mind. The corners of Danzo's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"So, you're the only one who has a disciple, eh? Orochimaru's talent is so high that you don't have a sense of accomplishment, right? By the end of the year, let's see what a true genius looks like!"

Suppressing his scattered thoughts and hiding his impatience, Danzo continued addressing Kizaru, "Since you've already awakened the Bloodline Limit, we'll have to adjust the three-year plan a bit. In the first year, showcase your Bloodline Limit. In the second, I'll help you master an S-rank Wind Release Ninjutsu. And in the third, I'll arrange for your early graduation and directly challenge a Jonin for graduation."

After hearing Danzo and the Grand Elder's arrangements, Kizaru didn't feel any pressure. He calmly nodded.

"Kizaru-kun, don't feel too pressured; your talent is enough to achieve all of this. We have confidence in you!" The Grand Elder, worried that Kizaru might be under too much pressure, spoke gently to console him.

"The pressure is okay; I find it quite simple," Kizaru responded calmly and truthfully.

Upon hearing Kizaru's response, Danzo and the Grand Elder both displayed relieved smiles.

"A true genius is meant to have such confidence!"


Stepping out of the secret chamber and returning to his own room, Kizaru skillfully brewed a cup of hot tea. Sipping his tea, he simultaneously delved into the abilities of the fruit.

During the afternoon, after just obtaining the fruit's abilities, there had been quite a commotion. Danzo and the three elders had come knocking, leading to discussions in the secret chamber that lasted until evening. Finally, Kizaru had some time to truly feel and research the Glint-Glint Fruit's abilities.

Firstly, he focused on the most basic ability of the Logia-type fruit: Elementalization.

Without any tools in the room, Kizaru simply raised his right hand, his index and middle fingers pointing toward his left forearm.

His left forearm transformed directly into a flash of yellow light. Through the flash, his right index and middle fingers passed.

Next, Kizaru stood up and attempted to fully elementalize his entire body and shift positions through elementalization.

The first try wasn't quite proficient. Kizaru, not controlling the direction properly, nearly bumped into the wall.

After practicing continuously in the room seven or eight times, Kizaru became increasingly adept at shifting positions through elementalization.

Eventually, relying on chakra, Kizaru stood on the ceiling, his entire body turning into a radiant yellow light, instantly shifting to the table.

Sitting back down and feeling satisfied with his practice, Kizaru picked up the now warm tea in front of him.

As he sipped his tea, Kizaru pondered the direction of his future training in his mind.

For someone like himself, continuously integrating Admiral Kizaru's abilities, physical combat and elemental Ninjutsu were not particularly helpful.

Therefore, Kizaru set his sights on three areas: genjutsu, sealing techniques, and finally, senjutsu.

For genjutsu, Kizaru aimed to study it well. It had a vast spectrum of strengths and weaknesses; hence, he planned to learn it thoroughly. He didn't aim to make genjutsu his ace, just ensuring he wasn't easily susceptible, unlike Anko, who fell victim to genjutsu frequently.

The second area was sealing techniques. Kizaru had always felt they were immensely powerful and had a lot of potential even before his transmigration. Now, with the assistance of a future Hokage and being the nephew of the Root leader, it was a condition he wanted to exploit.

The third area needed no introduction – senjutsu. It was not only powerful in enhancing combat abilities but also in extending one's lifespan.

In this era, who wouldn't want to live a little longer? Naturally, Kizaru also desired that.

Regarding senjutsu, Kizaru had his own aspirations. He thought, if animals like toads, snakes, slugs, and others could harness natural energy and become sages, why couldn't humans create a mode of senjutsu that suited them as well?