Wind Release Ninjutsu

The exchange of ideas concluded, and Danzo was very pleased with Kizaru's response.

Wearing a rare gentle smile on his face, Danzo lifted his right hand and pulled out a scroll from his pocket inside the garment.

"This is an insight I have about Wind Release ninjutsu. It also contains two relatively simple Wind Release techniques. Practice them well when you go back."

As he spoke, Danzo placed the scroll on the tea table and pushed it towards Kizaru.

"What kind of ninjutsu?" Kizaru asked, a bit curious.

"B-rank ninjutsu, Wind Release - Vacuum Wave and Wind Release - Vacuum Sphere!"

Nodding, Kizaru picked up the scroll and put it away.

"In a month, the Academy will hold the first test. I hope you..."

"Don't worry, I'll definitely be the top!" Kizaru confidently interrupted.

Although Kizaru interrupted him, Danzo wasn't angry. Instead, he showed a pleased smile.

"Off you go! I won't detain you for dinner."

Stretching in a big yawn, Kizaru stood up. "Well then, goodbye, Clan Leader!"

Before finishing his sentence, Kizaru had already turned around and walked towards the door.

"You, learn some manners!" Danzo scolded with a smile.

"We'll talk about it when I have time!" With his back to Danzo, Kizaru put one hand in his pocket and raised the other hand, waving it casually.

Sitting in his position and watching Kizaru's figure gradually disappear from view, the smile on Danzo's face slowly faded, returning to his usual 'shadow of a shinobi' demeanor, entering work mode.

Over a decade had passed since the war, and various forces in the ninja world had already recovered and become even stronger than before.

These individuals were eager, aiming to challenge Konoha's status, eager to tear off chunks of flesh from Konoha and the Land of Fire to bolster their own strength.

War was approaching, and Danzo could already smell it.

This was also why Danzo requested Kizaru to graduate three years earlier.

With Kizaru's talent and strength, coupled with his guidance, Kizaru would surely gain plenty in the war, be it merits, status, or fame!


In the following days, Kizaru continued his dull and mundane life: slacking off in class during the day, practicing ninjutsu with Danzo after school in the afternoon, and training his fruit abilities at night.

Unlike the Sarutobi clan specializing in composite ninjutsu, the Shimura clan excelled in Wind Release ninjutsu.

Thus, even though Kizaru possessed Wind, Fire, and Lightning Nature Transformation, he temporarily received instruction only in Wind Release ninjutsu from Danzo.

Perhaps due to his crossing-over, Kizaru's soul, or rather his spiritual energy and physical qualities, were as powerful as his chakra, comparable to a Tailed Beast.

This immense spiritual power also made Kizaru's perception and control of chakra exceptionally excellent.

The two Wind Release techniques taught by Danzo were completely mastered by Kizaru in just one day.

Such progress made Danzo happy but also slightly frustrated.

His student was too outstanding; as a teacher, he completely lost the satisfaction of teaching.

At this moment, Danzo suddenly understood his friend Hiruzen's behavior when teaching Orochimaru, who complained every day about not feeling fulfilled.

Danzo had initially thought that his friend, Hiruzen, who complained to him every day, was just showing off.

Now it seemed that he had misunderstood his friend.

After Kizaru mastered Wind Release - Vacuum Wave and Wind Release - Vacuum Sphere, Danzo successively taught Wind Release - Vacuum Serial Wave, Wind Release - Vacuum Great Sphere, Wind Release Shuriken, and Wind Release Kunai.

In less than a month, Kizaru learned all the Wind Release ninjutsu that Danzo had practiced for most of his life.

This was the first time Danzo, because of his role as a teacher, felt pressure.

"Wind Release - Vacuum Serial Wave!"

In the training field of the Shimura family, Danzo stood to the side, while Kizaru stood in the center, executing ninjutsu towards the wooden stakes in front of him.

Kizaru expelled over a dozen sharp gusts of wind from his mouth, resembling ferrets. These transparent wind blades were extremely fast and possessed formidable cutting abilities, instantly slicing the wooden stakes and stones in front of Kizaru into countless tiny fragments!

Just the B-rank Wind Release - Vacuum Serial Wave demonstrated an extremely potent force in Kizaru's hands.

Seeing this scene, Danzo nodded approvingly.

It took him over twenty years of practice to bring the B-rank Wind Release - Vacuum Serial Wave to surpass its limits in destructive power. However, Kizaru achieved all this in less than a month, meeting Danzo's expectations.

"Well done! In the field of Wind Release ninjutsu, you're ready to graduate!" Danzo spoke as he walked into the training field, approaching Kizaru.

"By the way, Clan Leader! When will you teach me the S-rank Wind Release ninjutsu you promised?" Kizaru asked Danzo.

With a meaningful smile, Danzo replied, "Haven't I already taught you?"

"When?" Kizaru inquired.

"After I improved Wind Release - Vacuum Serial Wave and Wind Release - Vacuum Great Wave. Not only did the learning difficulty increase, but in your hands, they have displayed destructive and lethal power surpassing regular ninjutsu!" Danzo said with a smile.

"But they're still B-rank ninjutsu!" Kizaru argued.

"No, just give them a new name!" Danzo, now smiling like a sly fox, said, "Shimura Kizaru improved Wind Release ninjutsu: Wind Release - Vacuum Wave and Wind Release - Vacuum, creating A-rank ninjutsu: Wind Release - Super Vacuum Wave and Wind Release - Super Vacuum Sphere. Creating S-rank ninjutsu: Wind Release - Super Vacuum Serial Wave, Wind Release - Super Vacuum Great Sphere!"

"Can you do that?" Kizaru said speechlessly.

"The difficulty in practicing ninjutsu has reached its mark, and the destructive power has greatly improved. Why can't they be upgraded? Moreover, I've already optimized these techniques; they're no longer what they originally were!" Danzo continued.

"You improved these techniques." Kizaru stated.

"Mere empty titles mean nothing to me! Instead of that, I'd rather help you advance further. Remember, everything of mine will belong to you in the future." Danzo said earnestly.

"Hmph! Suit yourself!" The sky had darkened, and Kizaru, with both hands in his pockets, turned and left. "It's time for dinner."

"I have some business with the Root, so you go on ahead!" Danzo stood still without following.

"Well then, goodbye, my dear uncle!" Kizaru waved one hand as usual, with the other in his pocket.

"You, mind your manners out there!"

"We'll see about that later!"

With the same response, Kizaru leisurely walked towards a distance.

"Kizaru, tomorrow is the day of your exam, right?" Danzo knowingly asked.

"Yeah, whatever! It doesn't matter when; I'll definitely be on top!" Kizaru confidently replied.

"Don't disappoint me, Kizaru!"

The sunset's remaining light fell on Danzo's face as he watched Kizaru's figure gradually move farther away. Danzo spoke calmly.