The Exam (Part 3)

Kizaru didn't hold the shuriken as the previous students did, placing it behind him. Instead, he raised the shuriken to his mouth.

Upon seeing Kizaru's action, most of the students watching wore expressions of confusion. Only a very few, like Shikaku, roughly guessed Kizaru's intention.

"This guy is going too far!!" Shikaku was among those very few. When Kizaru asked the question just now, he speculated that this troublemaker was up to no good again.

Apart from Shikaku, Kiyoshi also sensed something amiss. Combining Kizaru's recent question, he surmised that this usually unassuming student was about to cause a major incident.

However, Kiyoshi didn't voice any objection. He merely tensed all his muscles inwardly and went on high alert.

"This move..." Hidden on the outskirts of the school, Hiruzen clearly witnessed Kizaru's action and couldn't help but turn to his friend beside him.

"This kid is really mischievous!" Although murmuring complaints, Danzo's face didn't show any hint of anger; instead, a hint of excitement flickered across it.

Hiruzen refrained from asking his question and refocused his gaze on the playground, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.

Chakra imbued with the Wind Nature Transformation burst out from Kizaru's mouth, wrapping around the wooden shuriken.

Under the influence of Wind Release Chakra, the shuriken began to spin and gradually accelerated.

With the increasing rotation speed, Kizaru moved his hand controlling the shuriken to the side of his body.

The high-speed spinning shuriken formed a transparent, extremely thin, and incredibly sharp wind blade around it, with a diameter of half a meter.

Everyone present was stunned, their eyes widened, watching Kizaru's performance dumbfoundedly.

"This...this...this is Lord Danzo's!" Kiyoshi recognized the Ninjutsu Kizaru was using, Wind Release Shuriken.

Instinctively swallowing saliva, Kiyoshi realized the situation and quickly shouted, "Everyone, move back five meters!"

The teacher's shout brought the students back to their senses, and they hurriedly retreated.

"This guy is actually this powerful?" Inabi, who had just returned to the crowd, muttered to himself while being pulled back by classmates, staring fixedly at Kizaru.

Lifting his right hand to control the shuriken, while his left hand remained in his pocket, Kizaru appeared very relaxed. He even glanced back at his classmates behind him, making sure they had moved back before continuing his actions.

With a gentle flick of his right hand, the Wind Release Shuriken, spinning rapidly, flew towards the target in front of Kizaru.


The wooden target, upon contact with the Wind Release Shuriken, was instantly cut into countless pieces.

After destroying the target, the Wind Release Shuriken didn't stop but continued forward, landing several meters behind the target.

A louder sound erupted, sending dust, debris, and broken earth flying into the air, creating a smoky gray cloud in front of Kizaru.

Standing in front of the students, Kiyoshi, seeing this scene, couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Shifting his gaze to Kizaru's back, Kiyoshi took a deep breath, gaining a clearer understanding of Kizaru's abnormality.

Perhaps this guy's strength had surpassed his own?

Kiyoshi thought uncertainly, feeling a sense of defeat and bitterness!

For ordinary people, the existence of a genius was indeed a heavy blow!

Did this child really need to study at school?

Kiyoshi silently thought to himself.

It wasn't just Kiyoshi thinking this way; most of the ninjas lurking outside the school and keeping an eye on the exam situation had the same idea.

Such a monster was simply too much of a blow to the other students.

A senior from the branch family of the Hyuga clan, who was hiding outside the school, had already activated his Byakugan.

Using the insight of the Byakugan, he instantly saw the destruction caused by Kizaru's ninjutsu and the terrifying chakra akin to a tailed beast emanating from Kizaru.

"Monster, this guy is simply a monster!" The senior from the Hyuga clan branch family couldn't help but marvel involuntarily.

Though the senior murmured quietly, both Hiruzen and Danzo, perched on a distant tree branch, heard it clearly.

Slightly furrowing his brow, Danzo was displeased with the words from this Hyuga clan ninja.

The term "monster" carried unfavorable implications. How can someone from the Hyuga branch, like you, have the qualifications to describe a member of the Shimura clan, in such a way?

"Just a slip of the tongue!" Hiruzen, who understood his old friend very well, glanced at Danzo and explained the situation regarding this Hyuga clan ninja.

The creases on Danzo's forehead slowly smoothed out, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Ah! Let the Shimura clan handle the repairs on the field! Once the exams are over, I'll make sure to give this kid a proper lesson. He's really too cheeky."

Shaking his head with a smile, Hiruzen picked up his smoking pipe, took a drag, and slowly exhaled the smoke.

"Danzo, let's just let this kid graduate early! There's nothing more for him to learn at this school," Hiruzen proposed.

Danzo's expression turned puzzled and troubled. "This kid has been too well looked after by the elders in the clan. His personality is far too willful. He doesn't want to graduate early, and I can't force him."

Recognizing his friend's personality, Hiruzen, upon hearing Danzo's words, wore a surprised expression, internally commenting, "When did you become so reasonable?"

Seeming to guess his friend's thoughts, Danzo continued, "I've already made a deal with him. At most, within three years, he'll graduate early from the school."

Hiruzen nodded without further words.

Returning his gaze to the field, due to Kizaru's remarkable performance, all the throwing targets were damaged, and a large crater appeared behind the targets.

Once the dust settled, Kiyoshi, with a complex expression, walked up to Kizaru. He glanced at the large crater ahead, then back at Kizaru, who remained calm, still smiling, causing his mouth to twitch a few times.

"Cough, cough!" Clearing his throat a few times to gather the entire class's attention, Kiyoshi began speaking.

"Due to severe field damage…" he said, casting another glance at Kizaru.

Sensing the teacher's gaze, Kizaru wore an apologetic smile on his face, looking sorry.

"Due to severe field damage, the ninja tool test is temporarily suspended. We will proceed to the next test, the practical combat test!"

"Yes, sir."

Hearing the teacher's words, the students, still not completely recovered from Kizaru's recent performance, responded half-heartedly.

"Everyone, head to the area up front, prepare yourselves. The test will begin shortly."

After arranging for the students to leave, Kiyoshi called out to Kizaru, deliberately walking at the rear of the group.

"Kizaru, during the combat, please refrain from using overly dangerous ninjutsu!"

"Don't worry, teacher! I know my limits," Kizaru calmly replied.

"You know your limits? What limits do you even have?!"

Kiyoshi fumed inwardly.