Hokage's Decision

With a gaze filled with shock, accompanied by doubt and confusion, Orochimaru felt he should say something.

"I heard from Jiraiya that Kizaru wants to be my disciple, and considering the recent rumors about Kizaru circulating in the village..."

Unlike Tsunade's straightforward summary, Orochimaru elaborately recounted the entire sequence of events.

After hearing Orochimaru's account, Hiruzen's initial shock lessened.

Jiraiya underestimated his opponent, and not using his signature techniques, he was easily defeated by Kizaru, who concealed his true strength.

If that was the case, then he could reluctantly accept it!

Even though Jiraiya underestimated the opponent, and there was insufficient information along with restrictions on using ninjutsu, the fact that Jiraiya, a 20-year-old elite Jonin about to reach the peak of his strength, was defeated by a six-year-old child was simply foolish.

"What an idiot!"

While complaining in his heart about his unreliable disciple, Hiruzen also felt a mix of shock and admiration for Kizaru's talent.

"Kizaru is really a prodigy of the generation!"

Originally, this was a term the Shimura clan used to describe Kizaru, but it spread to the village, sparking discussions and approval from many villagers.

However, regardless of how others discussed it, Hiruzen did not personally acknowledge this claim.

As a disciple of the Second Hokage, when Hiruzen was young, he personally witnessed the First Hokage's actions.

The power and destructive force of that level of technique left a deep impression on Hiruzen.

No one could reach such heights again. It was a realm that shinobi couldn't attain; it was almost divine!

This was Hiruzen's evaluation of Senju Hashirama, the First Hokage, in his heart.

With such a profound impression, Hiruzen never accepted the idea of Kizaru being the next Hashirama. Was he truly gifted with the potential of the First Hokage?

At this moment, Hiruzen really wanted to smoke, but the presence of Tsunade sitting in front of him made him resist.

His office couldn't withstand Tsunade's punches.

Suppressing the sudden urge to smoke, Hiruzen, feeling somewhat disturbed, looked at his two grown disciples and then at the picture on the table, featuring himself and his three young disciples.

At this moment, a thought suddenly emerged in Hiruzen's mind.

Kizaru not only possessed exceptional physical qualities and chakra but also displayed outstanding talent in both taijutsu and ninjutsu.

Such an all-around super genius, whether entrusted to Orochimaru, who excelled in ninjutsu, or to Tsunade, who excelled in taijutsu and medical ninjutsu, would be a waste.

Kizaru needed a powerful, experienced, and versatile teacher.

Surveying the entire office, Hiruzen found that apart from himself, who else could meet the demanding and high-difficulty position of being a teacher?

Not to boast, but among the living shinobi in the ninja world, in terms of the all-around nature of shinobi qualities, him, the "Ninja Professor, dare to claim second place. Who dares to claim first?

Thinking about this, Hiruzen nodded satisfactorily and looked again at his two grown disciples.

Lifting his right hand to his mouth, he coughed a few times, easing the embarrassment. Hiruzen began to contemplate how he could persuade his two disciples.

Although it was a bit unethical as a teacher to snatch away another teacher's disciple, for the sake of not wasting Kizaru's talent and for the village's future, let me, Hiruzen, make some insignificant sacrifices!

Thinking about this, Hiruzen's confidence grew.

"Cough, cough!"

Coughing lightly again, Hiruzen had figured out his wording.

"Hearing you both talk like this, that child seems to have outstanding talent in both ninjutsu and taijutsu," Hiruzen said, pretending to ponder with a troubled expression. "If that's the case, I need to carefully consider appointing a teacher for that child."

"Old man, what do you mean?" Tsunade felt that something was amiss and asked urgently.

"Tsunade, you indeed have outstanding achievements in taijutsu and medical ninjutsu, but you are not particularly skilled in other ninjutsu," Hiruzen commented to Tsunade.

"What's the problem? My grandfather left behind so much ninjutsu data. Let that brat practice on his own!" Tsunade retorted.

Shaking his head disapprovingly, Hiruzen said, "No, this will hinder that child and waste his talent in ninjutsu."

After that, Hiruzen looked at Orochimaru and commented, "Orochimaru, you have excellent expertise in ninjutsu, but compared to Tsunade, you lack a lot in taijutsu."

Orochimaru nodded, expressing agreement with the teacher's evaluation.

"Arranging a teacher for this child is indeed a tricky matter! Among the young generation of ninjas in the village, it seems there is no suitable candidate for the requirements," Hiruzen emphasized the word "young" intentionally.


"I have a solution!" Tsunade, who was beside him, after hearing Hiruzen's words, slammed the table and exclaimed loudly.

Looking at Tsunade, seeing her excited expression, Hiruzen pondered, could it be that this little cotton jacket, who often leaked information, understood the old man's intentions?

"Not easy! It's really not easy!"

Just as Hiruzen was feeling emotional, Tsunade continued speaking.

"Let Orochimaru and me be his teachers together. I'll be responsible for teaching taijutsu and medical ninjutsu, while Orochimaru will handle ninjutsu." Tsunade confidently suggested, "With both of us guiding him, we won't waste that child's talent."

"Reasonable!" Orochimaru acknowledged in his mind and felt intrigued.

"Seems not bad!"

Hiruzen thought in his mind.

However, soon, Hiruzen rejected this idea.

For the village's future, such an outstanding child should be taught by the Professor himself!

Thinking that he could nurture a future ninja god, Hiruzen's heart was moved, and he couldn't refuse.

"I have made up my mind. Let me personally teach Kizaru! For the sake of the village's future, even if it's hard, I'll take on this challenge!" Hiruzen said calmly.

"What?" Tsunade stood up excitedly.

Orochimaru also opened his eyes, looking at his teacher in astonishment.

"Although there are many things as the Hokage, for the sake of not wasting that child's talent and for the village's future, even if it's tough, it's worth it!" Hiruzen said with a firm tone.

"How shameless!"

Tsunade looked at her teacher and wanted to scold him, but she resisted it.

Orochimaru was fine. He had already handed over his disciple to Tsunade and was just slightly surprised.

"I will talk to Tsunade about this matter. You don't need to persuade me," Hiruzen quickly settled the matter, fearing that Tsunade might say something excessive.

"Hmph!" With her arms crossed, Tsunade let out an dissatisfied snort.

Ignoring Tsunade's attitude, Hiruzen, with a kind smile on his face, continued, "From now on, Kizaru is your little junior. Take good care of him."

"Understood!" Tsunade replied coldly with anger. She turned around and left directly.

"Sensei, I'll go check on Tsunade," Orochimaru turned his head to look at Tsunade, who was heading towards the door, and quickly said to Hiruzen.

"Go ahead!" Hiruzen smiled and said, "You've worked hard, Orochimaru."

After a smiling response from Orochimaru, he turned around immediately and chased after Tsunade.