The Smart Hyuga

Early in the morning, at the ninja school, in the classroom of the first-grade elite class, everyone sat in their respective seats. Some whispered to each other, some ate snacks, and a few had already laid their heads on their desks to take a short nap.


The classroom door was pushed open. Upon hearing the commotion, everyone initially thought it was the teacher arriving and hushed down, turning their attention to the door.


With his left hand in his pocket, and the right hand that pushed the door now scratching the back of his head, Kizaru, still groggy from sleep, walked into the classroom, giving a big yawn.

Upon seeing Kizaru, the classroom quieted for a moment, followed by an explosion of intense discussions.

Kizaru's decision to challenge the Uchiha clan's jonin in the early graduation assessment, under the guidance of Hiruzen and Danzo, had already spread throughout the village.

Facing the Uchiha clan's jonin with open eyes, a one-on-one battle was deemed impossible. This was a widely circulated evaluation in the ninja world.

Kizaru, a six-year-old, challenging a jonin in the graduation assessment was already astonishing. Now, not only was he challenging a jonin but specifically the Uchiha clan's jonin!

It was not just astonishing; it was downright frightening!

Most of the students in the elite class were from ninja or civilian ninja families, and they had a clearer understanding of the difficulty of Kizaru's early graduation assessment.

The more they understood, the more they realized the challenges involved. Hence, when they saw Kizaru returning to class, heated discussions erupted.

Some were jealous, thinking Kizaru was just showing off and would undoubtedly be taught a lesson by the Uchiha clan during the graduation assessment.

Some were in awe, finding Kizaru's actions incredibly impressive and cool, as children in the ninja world always admired the strong.

Some were angry, feeling that Kizaru dared to challenge the Uchiha clan's jonin instead of their own Hyuga clan, even though the Hyuga clan was the strongest ninja clan in Konoha!

This person was none other than Hyuga Toda. When he heard about Kizaru's decision yesterday, he was quite angry.

Clearly, I, Hyuga Toda, am your lifelong enemy, Kizaru. The Hyuga clan is undoubtedly the strongest ninja clan in Konoha. Why would you challenge the Uchiha clan instead of the Hyuga clan?

An infuriated and excited Toda, in front of his father, who was also an elder of the main branch, loudly declared that he would find Kizaru and make him change his mind, challenging the Hyuga clan, preferably directly challenging his father.

Faced with Toda's loyalty and filial piety in front of his father, Toda's father was deeply moved and rewarded him with two big slaps!

Kizaru challenging the Uchiha clan was apparently due to the Uchiha clan's questioning of him and the hatred between the Senju and Uchiha clans. However, Toda, this clever son of his, actually wanted to bring that hatred upon himself???

After listening to his son's declaration, Toda's father regretted why he didn't have another child?

How could this intelligent son of his, with such high IQ, bear the responsibility of being an elder of the main branch in the future?

Unlike the father who was angry and worried, the confused Toda completely failed to understand the reason for his father's anger. He only felt that his impulsive shouting violated the politeness his father usually demanded of him.

So, with a sense of grievance, Toda straightened up, bowed to his father, and apologized sincerely.

Faced with his son's apology, Toda's father was thoroughly depressed and made a decision in his heart that from tonight onwards, he must strive to make a younger sibling!

Now, Toda, whose main branch position was precarious, sat upright in his seat, staring at Kizaru as he walked into the classroom.

The intense gaze of Toda was too strong, and Kizaru, walking into the classroom, felt the attention.

Early in the morning, being subjected to the classmates' disdainful looks, Kizaru felt a bit inexplicable.

Walking toward his seat by the window from the entrance, when passing by Toda, Kizaru stopped.

"Toda, do you have something to say to me?" Kizaru stopped and looked down at Toda sitting beside him.

Hearing Kizaru's question, Toda clenched his fists. He really wanted to tell Kizaru his thoughts from yesterday, but his father's stern instructions made him hold back.

Although he couldn't express his true thoughts, Toda still had some words to say to Kizaru. He stood up directly, looked at Kizaru, and expressed his emotions a bit excitedly.

"Kizaru, I know! The mere Uchiha clan is definitely not your opponent. I will train hard to catch up with you and become an opponent worthy of you!" Looking into Kizaru's eyes, Toda said firmly.

As soon as Toda spoke, the entire classroom quieted down again.

Everyone knew about the rivalry and hostility between the Hyuga and Uchiha clans, but someone like Toda, who openly ridiculed the Uchiha clan, was something they had never encountered before.


The sound of the body hitting the desk was particularly clear in the silent classroom.

Uchiha Inabi, unable to contain his anger, stood up vigorously after being mocked by Toda.

"Toda, you bastard, are you provoking my Uchiha clan?"

"Shut up, you ignorant six-year-old fool! What qualifications do you have to speak to me?" To increase the mockery, while speaking, Toda activated his Byakugan.

At this moment, Inabi trembled with anger.

"Your Hyuga clan's Byakugan, almost everyone has it. Can it be the same as our Uchiha clan's Sharingan?"

"I'm only six years old and haven't opened my eyes yet. What's it to you? Eating your family's rice? It's none of your damn business!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Clenching his fists tightly, his whole body trembled. Inabi, with eyes that seemed to devour life itself, stared fiercely at Toda.

His tiny chest heaved continuously, and with a fierce glare directed at Toda, Inabi was about to strike when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes.

"Ah!" Due to the pain, Inabi couldn't help but let out a sound.

"Inaho, are you okay?" Minato, sitting not far from Inabi, quickly stood up, expressing concern, and approached him.

Meanwhile, Kizaru, standing beside Toda, looked at Inabi, who was covering his eyes and crying out in pain, and was completely stunned.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

Kizaru glanced at Inabi and then turned his gaze to Toda, who was arrogantly lifting his chin, revealing a look of astonishment.

The mouth of Toda was really something! It was like an eye-opener, directly assisting Inabi in awakening the Sharingan.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't pretend!" Toda, looking at Inabi covering his eyes, started off with an arrogant and disdainful attitude, but gradually couldn't help but show a hint of concern.

Assisted by Minato and with the gradually fading pain, Inabi, who had already adapted, removed his hands from his eyes.

As a member of the Uchiha clan, he had understood everything. He realized that he had awakened the Sharingan.

With a pair of blood-red Sharingan eyes, Inabi looked at Toda again.

Feeling a bit proud yet strangely odd, he couldn't believe that he had opened the Sharingan because of Toda's mockery.

At this moment, Inabi was both delighted and angry. The look in his eyes towards Toda also became strange.