Interesting Training

After school in the afternoon, at the school gate.

Standing behind Kizaru, Yoshihiko's gaze kept glancing towards the side of Kizaru where Minato was.

"Damn! Previously, when I wanted to train with big brother, he never agreed. Today, when Minato asked, big brother actually agreed."

"What's so special about this guy that makes the big brother take care of him like this?"

"Damn! It's really infuriating!"

While Yoshihiko muttered to himself, Yuki and Shinobu, who finished classes a bit later, approached the school gate.

"What are you muttering about?" Just as Yoshihiko walked up to him, Yuki heard Yoshihiko talking.

"Tch!" Hearing Yuki's voice, Yoshihiko rolled his eyes and looked up at the sky.

Seeing Yoshihiko having another episode, Yuki didn't want to bother. She quickened her pace and walked up to Kizaru.

"Big Brother Kizaru!" Smiling with a happy expression, Yuki called out affectionately.

"Everyone's here! Let's go. I'll train with you guys today." Kizaru reached out and patted Yuki's head, saying with a smile.

Train together?

Upon hearing Kizaru's words, Yuki was slightly stunned, and a surge of joy welled up from her heart.

That's great!

Although she was very happy inside, Yuki controlled her expression, maintaining a ladylike, faint smile.

"This is Minato, my classmate. He'll be training with us from now on." Kizaru didn't ignore Minato beside him and proactively introduced him.

"Hello, Minato-senpai! I'm Shimura Yuki. Pleasure to meet you!" The smile became a bit stiff, but Yuki politely greeted Minato.

"Damn, when did this blondie appear?" While greeting, Yuki shouted in her mind.

At this moment, Yuki understood why Yoshihiko was standing alone muttering just now.

"Hello, Yuki!" Smiling warmly, Minato quickly responded.

"It's getting late; let's go! Yoshihiko, Shinobu, get ready!" Hearing Kizaru's call and with Minato included, the four little ones followed Kizaru, leaving the school gate.

Considering that it was the first time Minato followed him for training, and Minato wasn't familiar with the members of the Shimura clan, Kizaru didn't take them to the clan's training ground.

At the same time, considering the limited mobility of the four little ones, Kizaru didn't take them to the training ground in the forest outside the village.

The training ground Kizaru chose was located behind the Hokage Rock, closer to the school.

Leading the way, Kizaru walked ahead, the mild-mannered Shinobu took the initiative to walk with Minato, and Yoshihiko, in a rare reversal, walked with Yuki.

The two little ones walked at the back of the team, their eyes initially fixed on the back of Minato. Then, they looked at each other.

Both didn't speak, but their eyes revealed their thoughts.

"When did this blondie appear? Why does Big Brother Kizaru want to train with him?"

" I don't know!"

"Then what do you know?"

"I don't know anything!"

"Foolish!" Unable to hold back, Yuki whispered.

"Damn! Do you want to fight?" Yoshihiko immediately retorted.


With a cold snort, Yuki hastened her pace and jogged up to Kizaru's side, taking the initiative to hold Kizaru's right hand.

Seeing this scene, Yoshihiko became even angrier. Clenching his teeth, he stamped his foot and ran up as well, holding Kizaru's left hand.



Seeing Yoshihiko catching up, Yuki snorted again.

Yoshihiko didn't want to show weakness either and responded with a snort.

Seeing the two, Minato, who was following Kizaru, smiled, his face slightly puzzled.

"They often do this; don't mind them!" Shinobu explained considerately.

"Your relationship is really good!" Smiling, Minato said with a somewhat envious tone.

Hearing Minato's comment, Shinobu wanted to sigh, but considering that "family affairs" should not be disclosed, she forcibly held back.

"Yes!" Smiling awkwardly, Shinobu concurred.

The little incident on the way didn't affect the progress of everyone, and after more than twenty minutes, they arrived at the training ground behind the Hokage Rock.

"Yoshihiko, warm everyone up first!" Without a clear training plan in mind, Kizaru could only let everyone warm up first.

"Alright, Big Brother Kizaru!" Puffed up and proud, Yoshihiko answered loudly.

After answering, Yoshihiko looked triumphantly at Yuki, making the little girl's face turn much colder.

Watching the four little ones start warming up, Kizaru stood in place, scratching his head.

What kind of training would be good?

Yoshihiko and his three companions refined their chakra a year before enrollment, received basic education, and are gradually growing through continuous learning.

As an orphan, Minato had not received any pre-school guidance before enrolling. From refining chakra to basic physical exercises, he learned them all after joining the academy.

Even so, Minato managed to maintain above-average grades in the class, showcasing his extraordinary talent.

After some consideration, Kizaru had an idea.

Ninjutsu training was still too early for the four of them. Physical training would be more suitable.

Once Yoshihiko led everyone through warm-ups, Kizaru clapped his hands, signaling the four to come to him and began speaking.

"For our first training session today, let's play a little game!"

A game?

The four looked at Kizaru in confusion.

Kizaru didn't say anything but extended his right index finger, illuminating it with golden light, and shot out a laser as thick as a chopstick.

The laser flew rapidly, collided with a large tree, and caused an explosion.

As their gazes followed the movement of the laser, the four little ones stared in amazement as they watched the laser hit the tree, causing it to fall. After a moment of shock, they finally regained their senses and looked at Kizaru with admiring eyes.

"Big brother Kizaru, are you going to teach us ninjutsu?" Impulsive Yoshihiko was the first to speak, asking excitedly.

Shaking his head, Kizaru smiled and said, "No, I'll shoot you with the laser!"

"What?" Yoshihiko exclaimed, looking at Kizaru with incomprehension.

"Have you ever played dodgeball? Today, we'll play that. I'll shoot, and you guys dodge!" Kizaru explained with a smile.

Looking at each other, the four little ones, after hearing Kizaru's words, instinctively looked at the fallen tree that was hit by the laser.

Swallowing saliva involuntarily, Yoshihiko addressed Kizaru, "Big brother Kizaru, isn't this too dangerous?"

Maintaining his smiling face, Kizaru said, "Don't worry, I'll control the power of the jutsu. I won't let you become disabled."


Seizing the keyword, the four were all frightened, and the timid Shinobu trembled slightly.

"Big brother Ki..."

"Let's get started!" Kizaru interrupted Yoshihiko's words, smilingly aiming his index finger at him.

Chilled to the bone, Yoshihiko instinctively dodged to the left, coincidentally hiding behind Yuki.

"You jerk!" After scolding Yoshihiko with a cold face, Yuki, too, moved.

Watching the four little ones constantly moving, looking for cover, Kizaru's smile on his face became even brighter.

"This is really interesting!"