Final Warm-up Before the Assessment

As time passed, Kizaru's first-year school life gradually came to an end.

The final exams were approaching, and the atmosphere in the class became a bit tense. After all, no one wanted to bring home mediocre grades and face their parents' loving education.

For Kizaru, the approaching end of the term also meant the conclusion of his school life. Just thinking about having his academic status fixed at the first grade made Kizaru feel a bit melancholic.

His classmates were aware that Kizaru would graduate early and challenge the Uchiha clan's top ninja.

For this assessment, the classmates were eagerly anticipating it. After half a year of interaction, they discovered that the feared "Demon King Kizaru" was actually a very nice person and not as intimidating as he seemed when he first enrolled.

Many classmates privately approached Kizaru to cheer and encourage him, including Inabi.

One day after school, Inabi secretly found Kizaru and handed him a small note. The note contained information that Inabi had gathered about Uchiha Kensuke.

After handing over the note, Inabi said, "Good luck, Kizaru! In the future, only I can defeat you!"

Without waiting for Kizaru's response, Inabi quickly ran away.

Holding the note and watching Inabi's retreating figure, Kizaru could only shake his head and smile.

The atmosphere in the school was intense, and it was even more so in the village.

Under the influence of the Uchiha clan, Shimura clan, and the official announcment from the Hokage, the early graduation assessment of Kizaru had become the hottest topic in the entire village.

Villagers eagerly anticipated the battle between Kizaru and Kensuke, driven by the three influential forces.

Benefiting from this, Kensuke, who was previously unknown and very low-key in the village, became quite popular after the Uchiha clan announced the assessment candidates.

When he went to the commercial street in the Uchiha district, he would receive cheers and support from enthusiastic clan members. This made him uncomfortable, and he eagerly wished for the assessment day to arrive quickly to end this wave of excitement.

Kizaru received even more exaggerated treatment.

Due to his outstanding physique and appearance, unique clothing style, and iconic tea-colored sunglasses, Kizaru would be easily recognized by villagers whenever he went out.

Although these villagers weren't as crazy as Kizaru's fans in his previous life, they always looked at Kizaru with excitement and gossip, forcing Kizaru to use the Transformation Jutsu to go out incognito.

In Kizaru's backyard, a reclining chair was placed under the shade of a tree.

Kizaru lay on the reclining chair in a relaxed manner, similar to the way Guy would lie down.

Next to the chair was a small tea table about half the height of a person, with tea and snacks placed on it.

Tomorrow was the day of the graduation assessment, but Kizaru didn't feel as nervous as outsiders might imagine.

Sipping hot tea, eating pastries, eyes squinting with satisfaction, Kizaru was very relaxed and carefree.


An old voice sounded from outside the courtyard.

With half a piece of pastry still in his hand, Kizaru didn't move, just turned his head slightly. Meanwhile, he used his free left hand to move the sunglasses to his forehead.

"Old man, what brings you here?"

In the entire clan, only the Elder referred to Kizaru as "Kizaru-chan". So Kizaru was very casual, just watching the courtyard gate, waiting for the Elder to come in.

With a benevolent smile on his face, the Elder walked into the courtyard. His expression froze for a moment as he looked at Kizaru, who was leisurely lying in the chair.

Apologizing with a smile to Tsunade, who was standing to the side, the Elder spoke.

"Kizaru, get up! Your senior Tsunade came to see you."

Actually, before the Elder finished speaking, Kizaru, who had been looking in the direction of the door, had already seen Tsunade.

Unperturbed, Kizaru lazily tossed the half-eaten pastry into his mouth, slowly stood up, and picked up the teacup from the tea table.

Blowing off the steam rising from the tea, Kizaru took a sip of the hot tea. After swallowing the pastry, he smiled and left the chair, standing up.

"Big Sister Tsunade, you're the last one to arrive! It's really heartbreaking!" Using his signature, cheeky tone, Kizaru joked.

"The last one?"

Tsunade thought for a moment and immediately understood what Kizaru meant by his words.

"Jiraiya and Orochimaru have also visited you?" Tsunade asked while walking towards Kizaru.

"Orochimaru sent me an analysis of Fire Release jutsu, and it's really good stuff!" Kizaru replied with a smile.

"As for Jiraiya, he didn't bring any gifts, just said that after I graduate, he'll take me to a fun place!" Speaking of Jiraiya, Kizaru emphasized the word "fun" with a slightly mischievous tone.

As expected, just as Kizaru predicted, Tsunade immediately made the right connection when she heard Jiraiya and a fun place.

Suppressing the urge to curse in consideration of the Shimura clan's Elder beside her, Tsunade held back her impulse to swear.

However, in her heart, she decided that she would go find Jiraiya later, have a good sparring session, and ask him what this fun place was all about.

That unreliable guy Jiraiya actually wanted to take the 6-year-old Kizaru to some questionable places. What a jerk!

After cursing Jiraiya in her mind once again, Tsunade looked at Kizaru and spoke.

"The hospital has been too busy lately. That old man dumped everything on me and enjoyed himself. He's really a jerk!" Half explaining, half complaining, Tsunade explained why she only came today.

After that, Tsunade continued, "How's the preparation for tomorrow's assessment? I've seen Kensuke, and he's pretty strong. Don't be careless."

"Eh, the top ninja of the Uchiha clan is really formidable!" Kizaru sighed, but then the tone changed, and he continued, "However, I still have a bit of confidence!"

A bit of confidence? That's a relief!

Familiar with Kizaru's speaking style, Tsunade understood the meaning behind Kizaru's words.

"Since those two guys brought you gifts, as your senior, I'll give you a gift too!"

"Ooh! It's really something to look forward to!" Kizaru said with a squinting smile.

"You, talk to me properly!" Familiar but not used to it, Tsunade increased her volume.

"Eeh, really scary! Big Sister Tsunade..." Seeing Tsunade already starting to roll up her sleeves, considering the effort he put into decorating the courtyard, Kizaru promptly stopped.

Staring at Kizaru without any kindness, Tsunade continued speaking.

"All of you guys are so annoying! It's infuriating!" After complaining for a moment, Tsunade continued, "I heard the old man say you're interested in sealing jutsu. After you graduate, come with me to meet my grandmother."

"Whoa, really in a hurry! Big Sister Tsunade!" Kizaru's face showed a somewhat fake shy expression.

After a moment of confusion, Tsunade reacted. Her right fist was already clenched, and she shouted, "You bastard, do you want to die?"

"Kizaru, no nonsense!" The Elder on the side quickly spoke, easing the atmosphere. "Princess Tsunade, I'm really sorry! He's just a child and doesn't understand!"

Which child at the age of six looks like this?

Tsunade gave the Elder a disdainful look and then looked back at Kizaru.

"You, don't be influenced by that jerk Jiraiya, okay!" Tsunade scolded for a moment and then continued, "My grandmother is from the Uzumaki clan, a renowned ninja clan in the ninja world known for sealing jutsu. If you can get her guidance, you'll definitely make progress in the study of sealing jutsu."

"Thanks, Big Sister Tsunade!" Facing Tsunade's gift and goodwill, Kizaru's expression became serious, and he sincerely thanked her.

"In any case, give it your best tomorrow. Don't lose to that Uchiha jerk!" Tsunade patted Kizaru's shoulder, encouraging him with great momentum.

"Eh? It's really..."



With a satisfied expression, Tsunade let go of her sleeves.