Future Hokage

"This genius must be eliminated!"

Outside the academy, in the cheering crowd, a middle-aged man with plain attire and average height was watching Kizaru on the field with an expressionless face.

As a Wind Country merchant's guard entering Konoha, he had another identity – a spy from the Sunagakure!

Collecting information within Konoha was his mission!

He initially thought that this visit to Konoha would be like before, collecting some gossips discussed by the villagers and reluctantly reporting them to the higher-ups.

However, he didn't expect to coincidentally witness the early graduation assessment of Konoha's new genius.

To be honest, when he first saw the two on the field, he couldn't distinguish who was the student and who was the assessing teacher.

It wasn't until he heard the discussions around him that this spy began to understand the information about this new genius.

Shimura Kizaru, almost seven years old, possessed a mysterious Bloodline Limit that could emit light.

His physical qualities were extremely outstanding (visually observed), and his talent was astonishing. Almost everyone in Konoha agreed that he had the First Hokage's potential.

In the fertile land of Konoha, an economically developed village that produced many geniuses, they already posed a considerable challenge and dread to all other ninja villages.

Now, a new super genius, hailed as the successor of the First Hokage's potential, had emerged!

He must return to the village immediately and report this information to the Kazekage.

Such a genius must be eliminated, no matter the cost!

After watching the entire competition and making his evaluations, the middle-aged spy left the cheering crowd without revealing any emotions.

Standing in the center of the field, Kizaru, who had passed the graduation assessment, hands in his pockets, scanned the surroundings.

Inside the academy, countless students were watching him with either admiration or envy in their eyes.

Outside the academy, numerous villagers were cheering for him!

The birth of a new super genius meant the strengthening of the village's power, indicating a significant boost in the force protecting the village's stability and interests.

Therefore, for Kizaru to cleanly defeat an elite Jounin from the Uchiha clan, the majority of villagers were genuinely happy.

This was the public sentiment!

"Public sentiment is indeed a powerful force!"

Standing on the platform, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen, watched his disciple Kizaru receiving cheers from the villagers, silently sighing.

By his side, the head of the Uchiha clan and a few elders didn't look too good.

Especially when others in the crowd warmly congratulated the Shimura clan's head elder, their expressions worsened.

They never expected to lose, and they never expected to lose so miserably!

After this battle, the Uchiha clan's face had been thoroughly trampled underfoot by Kizaru.

Feeling unhappy but not wanting to hide it, the head of the Uchiha clan, using concern for Uchiha Ken's injuries as an excuse, hastily left the platform with a few elders.

"This kid is too much! How could he inflict such severe injuries on Kensuke! It really makes this old man feel guilty!" Cheerfully watching the Uchiha clan leave, the Shimura clan's head elder spoke with an expression of regret.

"In real battle assessments, it's inevitable for someone to get injured!"

"Yeah, that kid Kizaru is someone I've watched grow up since childhood. I even held him when he was a baby. I understand him; he's kind-hearted!"


The other clan heads present, looking at the two advisors who were praising the Shimura clan head elder, cursed in their hearts.

But on the surface, they also put on smiles and exchanged polite words with the Shimura clan head elder.

Unlike the beaming elder, standing beside Hiruzen, Danzo kept a calm expression.

Having fought against Kizaru, he understood that Kizaru defeating Uchiha Ken was certain and even effortless.

Now, Danzo was considering how to continue promoting and publicizing Kizaru's image, and what kind of jutsu Kizaru used during the assessment.

As if guessing the thoughts in his old friend's mind, Hiruzen Sarutobi lit his pipe and turned to look at Danzo.

Taking a deep drag from his pipe, Hiruzen exhaled leisurely and said with a smile, "That jutsu is called Rasengan. It's an A-rank non-elemental jutsu that Kizaru developed not too long ago."


Danzo looked at Hiruzen with some confusion, not understanding why this old man would know about it.

Facing Danzo's reaction, Hiruzen became even more delighted.

"The last time I met him, he voluntarily demonstrated it for me, hoping I could give him some advice!" With a pause, Hiruzen intentionally took another drag of his pipe, looking at his friend with amusement.

"This kid's talent is truly extraordinary! He perfected the Rasengan so well that even I couldn't find any issues. I could only provide some minor suggestions for his future development!"

"Old rascal!"

Silently gritting his teeth, Danzo, while watching Hiruzen's satisfied expression, retorted, "That Shimura kid is indeed a troublemaker!"

Hiruzen, gripping his pipe even tighter, continued to smile and replied, "No trouble at all! After all, he's my disciple!"

Feeling irritated but unable to retort, Danzo could only look away, turning his gaze towards Kizaru below. Slowly, a smile appeared on his face.

Mimicking Danzo's actions, Hiruzen also looked down at Kizaru. A satisfied smile adorned his face, and his eyes revealed a strong sense of anticipation.

"Next, let me help you reach new heights!"

Thinking this in his mind, Hiruzen took action.

Amidst the somewhat surprised expressions, especially Danzo's, Hiruzen jumped from the platform directly into the field.

Standing beside Kizaru, Hiruzen glanced at the cheering children and villagers around, then looked up at Kizaru.

Displaying a smile with a hint of fondness, Hiruzen patted Kizaru's shoulder.

"Excellent performance!"

"Hehe, Just average!" Kizaru "humbly" replied.

"Hahaha!" Laughing happily, Hiruzen shifted his gaze away, once again looking at the cheering crowd.

"As the Third Hokage, I hereby declare that Shimura Kizaru has passed the assessment and will graduate early!"

With Hiruzen's words, the cheers around reached a climax!

"Shimura Kizaru! Such exceptional talent and outstanding strength! I've decided to take him as my disciple!"

As this statement landed, the cheers momentarily paused. Everyone present was shocked by Hiruzen's decision.

The Third Hokage, who hadn't taken disciples for over ten years, unexpectedly took a disciple again today.

Ordinary villagers and most of the students in the academy didn't understand the underlying meaning. They were simply astonished and began discussing it with the people around them.

They were all envious that Kizaru could be taken as a disciple by the Hokage!

The reactions of the top echelons in Konoha were different. After hearing Hiruzen's decision, they felt some ripples in their hearts.

Looking at the Third Hokage and Kizaru below, then glancing at Danzo and the elders of the Shimura clan, they seemed to see the future inheritor of the Hokage title.

It would either be the Fourth Hokage or the Fifth Hokage!

As long as nothing unexpected happened, Shimura Kizaru was the undisputed future Hokage!