Jiraiya Died by Soreness

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

The main gate of the Shimura house collapsed, and the nearby walls turned into rubble, scattered all over the ground.

Kizaru stood with his hands in his pockets, leaning against the trunk of a large tree near the entrance.

"Truly terrifying!" Looking at the small ruins in front of him, Kizaru sighed.

"You, make it clear, who is responsible for this mess?" Topped with a swirl-eyed Danzo, almost lost it due to Kizaru's words.


Turning to look at his uncle, Kizaru couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Biting his teeth, veins bulging, Danzo felt a bit dizzy.

"I'm sorry, Uncle! I just remembered something funny." Kizaru explained insincerely.

"That crazy woman!" Fuming with anger but unable to vent it on Kizaru, Danzo could only mutter angrily under his breath.

"Sorry for the trouble, Uncle!" Seeing Danzo irritated, Kizaru took the initiative to console him.

"From now on, stay away from that crazy woman, got it? Kizaru!" Watching his nephew, Danzo advised earnestly.

Rubbing his head, Kizaru nodded and replied with a smile, "Got it!"

After that, Kizaru turned around and walked towards the direction outside the street.

"Where are you going?" Staring at Kizaru's back, Danzo asked.

"To the hospital!" Kizaru slowed down his pace and answered.

"Cough, cough!" Coughed from being angered, which pulled on the injuries, Danzo's facial features wrinkled.

"I just told you not to provoke Tsunade, and you agreed. Now you turn around and head to the hospital?"

"Stop, why are you going to the hospital?"

"I heard thatBig Brother Jiraiya was sent to the hospital last night, so I'm going to check on him."

Hearing Kizaru's explanation, Danzo felt much better, and he said in a more relaxed tone, "Come back early."

"I know!"

After saying that, Kizaru quickened his pace and walked out of the street in front of the Shimura house.

Watching Kizaru disappear from sight, Danzo looked back at the construction site at the gate.

Cheeks twitching involuntarily, Danzo, with a stern face, walked back into the house.

Spending about twenty minutes, Kizaru held a cup of tea in his right hand, breakfast in his left hand, and arrived at the hospital.

At this moment, the warm sun had just crossed the Hokage Rock, hanging high in the sky. Many patients in the hospital were strolling in the courtyard.

Smiling and greeting the doctors and nurses in the hospital, Kizaru walked into the main building.

Walking to the third floor, after some inquiries, Kizaru found Jiraiya's ward.

"Good morning,Big Brother Jiraiya!" Pushing open the door and entering the ward, Kizaru greeted the just-woke-up Jiraiya.

"You really made a mess of me." With bandages on both hands, Jiraiya looked at Kizaru and said with a bitter smile.

"Oh ho! I'm really sorry about that!" Speaking, Kizaru handed breakfast to Jiraiya while sitting on the bedside.

"That woman Tsunade, she really went all out." Receiving the breakfast, Jiraiya complained.

With a smile on his face, using Observation Haki to sense someone approaching outside the room, Kizaru opened his mouth, "Be careful, Big Brother!

"Tsunade-senpai is actually a very nice person! Kind-hearted, very enthusiastic, and she looks beautiful too."

Quietly standing outside the door, hearing Kizaru's evaluation, Tsunade, who had come to find Kizaru and settle the score, was originally prepared to come in. However, upon hearing Kizaru's praise, much of her anger dissipated.

"Tch!" Eating, Jiraiya snorted in disdain at Kizaru's evaluation.

"You are still too young," making a comment on Kizaru's evaluation, Jiraiya continued, "Tsunade, besides being good-looking, has a really bad personality. When she gets angry, she's like a raging dinosaur."

After saying that, Jiraiya raised his hands towards Kizaru.

"Look, this is what she did last night!"


Before Jiraiya's words could land, the door of the ward was forcefully pushed open by Tsunade.

Anger doesn't disappear; it just shifts. Tsunade, with an angry expression and full of killing intent, walked into the room.

"Who allowed you to eat this?" Striding to Jiraiya's side, Tsunade directly took the breakfast Kizaru brought and said, "The hospital has prepared a nutritious breakfast for you. You're not allowed to eat randomly!"

Ignoring Kizaru next to her, Tsunade stared straight at Jiraiya.

"This... Kizaru brought this for me." Jiraiya, not knowing how much Tsunade heard just now, explained cautiously.

After saying that, Jiraiya glanced at Tsunade and then sneakily looked at Kizaru, giving him a look that begged for mercy.

"Lie down!" Scolding Jiraiya first, Tsunade turned her head to look at Kizaru.

Though Tsunade's anger had mostly dissipated, she still deliberately wore a cold expression and asked, "How much did you read, that Scroll?"

"Almost finished." Kizaru answered with a smile.

"Scroll? What scroll?"

Jiraiya curiously shifted his gaze between Kizaru and Tsunade.

"Since I have nothing to do today, come with me to the training ground later."

"Eh, thank you so much, Big Sister Tsunade!"

Lifting her right hand, Tsunade lightly tapped Kizaru's arm, glaring at her junior brother, and said without a good mood, "Speak properly!"

"Sure!" Kizaru answered with a smile.

Looking at Kizaru's slapped arm, then down at her own fractured hands and arms from the beating, Jiraiya suddenly felt so sore!

"Someone will bring your breakfast later. Lie down properly!" Retrieving her right hand, Tsunade lowered her head and admonished Jiraiya.

"I know," answered indifferently, Jiraiya watched as Tsunade, leading Kizaru, walked out of the ward.

He's only about ten years old! Tsunade!

With Kizaru, they walked out of the ward, crossed the corridor and stairs, and Tsunade returned to her office.

Taking off the white coat, revealing the slim-fit outfit she wore during training, Tsunade turned to look at Kizaru behind her.

Throwing the white coat casually onto the chair, Tsunade spoke.

"Come here."

With long strides, Kizaru took two steps forward and stood in front of Tsunade.

Arms crossed, looking up at Kizaru's smiling face, Tsunade frowned and said, "Bow your head."

Having roughly guessed Tsunade's intention, Kizaru bent slightly, lowering his head.

Extending her right hand, Tsunade rubbed Kizaru's head angrily. With a cold face, Tsunade finally showed a smile.

"Okay, we're even now!"

Maintaining the posture of bowing, Kizaru jokingly said, "Or we could do it a few more times, Big Sister Tsunade!"

A punch landed on Kizaru's shoulder, straightening his bent posture, and Tsunade rolled her eyes.

"Daydreaming, you little brat!"

"What a disappointment!" Kizaru looked at Tsunade, smiling mischievously.

"You!" Complaining without kindness, Tsunade continued, "Let's go!"

"Okay!" Answering with a smile, Kizaru followed Tsunade out of the office.