The Jinchuriki Appears!

This guy is as strong as a monster!

Through his Earth Grudge Fear, lurking beneath the battlefield, Kakuzu witnessed the entire combat.

It was at this moment that Kakuzu confirmed that the information provided by the black market and the client, except for the errors, had nothing right!

No, the name and appearance are correct!

Other than that, the intelligence was completely wrong.

At this moment, Kakuzu wished he could bring the person in charge of the black market and his contact to the scene to question him thoroughly.

"Is this just a Konoha genius? Clearly, this is a Konoha monster, the second Sage of the Six Paths."

"And what's the meaning of being powerful? This is already beyond human!"

Having lived for so many years, Kakuzu, who traveled through various regions of the ninja world, dared not say much, but he trusted his own judgment.

This target of only ten years old undoubtedly had the potential to surpass the First Hokage, the so-called God of Shinobi, Senju Hashirama.

With such a goal, asking for assistance at the risk of one's life for a mere bounty of seven hundred and fifty million?

"Dream on! They need to add more money!"

Just when Kakuzu began to reassess the bounty amount for Kizaru, who faced the Third Raikage, Kizaru arrived at the side of the Third Raikage again, pulling out his flashing greatsword.

"What a terrifying fellow!" Holding the sword with one hand, Kizaru smiled and said to the Third Raikage.

"You're the real monster!" Turning to face Kizaru, the Third Raikage wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Eeh… Such praise makes me feel embarrassed!" Speaking, Kizaru rushed to the front of the Third Raikage with a large stride.

Empowered by Haki, he raised the Ame No Habakiri in his hand, holding it with both hands, and fiercely struck down.

Not daring to confront it directly, the Third Raikage immediately retreated, evading Kizaru's slash.

Passing by the golden slash unleashed by Kizaru, the Third Raikage felt the sharpness of it and couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

"This monster is only ten years old this year!"

"How on earth did the Shimura clan produce such a person?"

"Ooh… What a terrifying reaction!" Seeing the Third Raikage dodge his full-force attack, Kizaru smiled and sighed.

"Hmph!" Snorting, the Third Raikage, facing Kizaru, raised his hand to wipe away the fresh blood.

"What makes this guy troublesome is not his powerful attack but his elusive speed and immunity to attacks and genjutsu."

"It's impossible to hit him. How am I supposed to fight?" 

The Third Raikage, who had lived for more than forty years, had never felt so frustrated.

Extremely frustrated, the Third Raikage, looking at the uninjured Kizaru in front of him, dared not impulsively attack again. He could only remain vigilant and contemplate countermeasures in his mind.

Not daring to launch a random attack, the Third Raikage, who was feeling extremely frustrated, watched as Kizaru, who stood still, rushed to his side once again.

The glowing sword in Kizaru's hand was quickly swung, anticipating the Third Raikage's evasion. In the moment the Third Raikage dodged, Kizaru transformed into light and appeared behind him.

"Your speed is too slow." Speaking, Kizaru, who appeared behind the Third Raikage, swung the Ame no Habakiri again.

"So fast!"

Hearing the sound, the Third Raikage was surprised and quickly adjusted his posture in the air, trying to dodge Kizaru's attack.

Unfortunately, although the Third Raikage's reflexes were fast, Kizaru's speed was not slow either.

Just as the Third Raikage was adjusting to control the enhanced Lightning Release Chakra on his back for defense, Kizaru's sword had already struck his back.

The slightly thickened Lightning Release Armor could only block Kizaru's extremely sharp sword of light for a moment, failing to completely defend against it.

A wound, smaller than the previous one but slightly above it, appeared on the Third Raikage's back, forming a diagonal cross.

Knocking the Third Raikage down to the ground from the air, Kizaru didn't hold back this time.

Even though he sensed that Kirigakure ninjas were charging towards him, Kizaru did not stop; instead, he held the sword with both hands and, aiming at the Third Raikage's heart, descended.


Just as Kizaru's sword was about to pierce the Third Raikage's body, a right fist enveloped in blue Tailed Beast Chakra hit Kizaru from the side, followed by an urgent and angry voice.

Without stopping, Kizaru turned his body into elements, and the sword in his hand directly pierced into the Third Raikage's body.

However, to Kizaru's surprise, the enormous fist wrapped in Tailed Beast Chakra hit his body, sending Kizaru, who had just stabbed into the Third Raikage's body, flying out.

Flying in the air, the struck Kizaru turned into golden light, landing on the ground not far away, and solidified again.

"How terrifying!" Standing on the ground, Kizaru, who was only knocked away without any injuries, looked at the newcomer standing beside the Raikage with a playful expression.

The newcomer's entire body was enveloped in a large amount of blue chakra with black stripes, with both eyes turning red, and he looked at Kizaru in pain.

Having watched the Naruto anime, Kizaru immediately recognized the newcomer's identity—the Two-Tails' Jinchuriki!

"So, a large amount of Tailed Beast Chakra can hit me even in my elemental form?"

Looking at the Two-Tails' Jinchuriki in front of him, Kizaru, who had just been hit, showed no panic. Instead, he wore a thoughtful expression.

Since gaining the power of the Glint-Glint Fruit, Kizaru had been researching the fruit's abilities.

Whether elemental form could be touched by chakra was one of the key points of Kizaru's research.

After several years of numerous experiments, Kizaru found that only purely Yin Release chakra, representing spiritual power, could attack his elemental form.

For example, the Yin Release techniques of the Nara clan.

To this, Kizaru could understand since, in the world of One Piece, the Haki that can attack Devil Fruit users is the embodiment of spiritual power and will.

This power, inherent in all humans, becomes a weapon when the invisible feelings like aura, killing intent, and the will to fight are manipulated. This powerful force is known as Haki.

In the One Piece anime, Kizaru remembered the explanation of Haki quite well.

Therefore, Kizaru had already speculated that Yin Release chakra in the Naruto world could attack his elemental form, which was later confirmed through experiments.

And now, being hit by Tailed Beast Chakra while in elemental form gave Kizaru a new discovery.

"So chakra with thoughts and will could touch my elemental form?"

Looking at the Two-Tails' Jinchuriki blocking the way between himself and the Third Raikage, Kizaru, after some contemplation, flashed a hint of understanding in his eyes.

"It's really terrifying! I almost died!" Having figured it out, Kizaru, looking at the out-of-control Blue Mu influenced by Tailed Beast Chakra, smiled and said.

"Kill... I'm going to kill you!" Completely losing control after hearing Kizaru's disdainful voice, Blue Mu rushed forward.

Although his elemental form was deciphered by Tailed Beast Chakra, Kizaru wasn't worried at all.

Just because it can touch me doesn't mean it can hit me!

In the world of One Piece, every expert possesses Haki. As a user of the Glint-Glint Fruit, Kizaru has stood at the pinnacle of countless powerhouses, becoming a monster among monsters and one of the Marine Admirals.

Turning his body into light, Kizaru directly flashed behind Blue Mu.

"Too slow, brother!" Speaking, Kizaru threw a ball of light towards the ground behind him, where the Third Raikage was just getting up. At the same time, his right foot glowed, and with a flashy kick, he hit Blue Mu on the neck.


Kizaru, who kicked Blue Mu away, clearly heard the sound of bones breaking.

"Blue Mu!" Having suffered a severe injury and not yet fully standing up, the Third Raikage shouted excitedly. Just as he was about to go forward to help, he was trapped by the cage of light created by the ball of light thrown by Kizaru.

If he weren't severely injured, the Third Raikage would have the ability to break the cage. However, at the moment, he was powerless.

Seeing the Third Raikage being trapped, Kizaru once again transformed into a golden light and flew to where Blue Mu fell.

"Goodbye, brother!" With a playful smile, Kizaru, who landed next to Blue Mu, raised his right foot high and stomped ruthlessly on the enemy trying to get up.


The trapped Third Raikage could only watch Kizaru's right foot fall with extreme unwillingness and anger.