Murder and Heartbreak

"Impossible, impossible!"

Hidden in the earth, watching Kizaru slam Two-Tails, Kakuzu sighed in his heart. He felt that the distance between him and 750 million was getting farther.

Assassinating Kizaru was no longer about the bounty but rather the question of whether he could defeat him.

If it weren't for the 30 million for patrolling and the 15 million for capturing a Kumogakure ninja, Kakuzu would have run away long ago.

"It's hard to make money these days!"

Watching Kizaru, who showed no signs of fatigue after two battles, Kakuzu sighed heavily once again.

"No way, absolutely not, I will never agree!" Under Kizaru's request, Two-Tails, transformed into the size of a small dog, faced Kizaru's outstretched hands and vigorously shook its head.

"How sad!" Withdrawing his hands, Kizaru, whose cat-catching plan failed for the first time, could only look towards the Third Raikage not far away with his hands in his pockets.

Signaling Two-Tails to follow, Kizaru walked to the light cage that trapped the Third Raikage.

With a wave of his right hand, the cage made of golden light turned into chains, along with the initial four, binding the Third Raikage's entire body.

"Such a terrifying gaze!" Seeing the Third Raikage glaring at him with bloodshot eyes, Kizaru smiled.

Facing Kizaru's taunts, the Third Raikage was angry, but he didn't shout and scream like before.

As the leader of a village, the Third Raikage also had his own dignity and determination.

Turning his head to look at the direction of his subordinates' retreat, then looking back at Kizaru, the Third Raikage made a decision in his heart.

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"Let go of my subordinates, just kill me!" Facing Kizaru, the Third Raikage calmly said.

With a slightly subdued smile, Kizaru showed respect to the enemy.

"Eh? Killing you would be a waste."

"What do you want?" Looking at Kizaru, the Third Raikage had a bad feeling.

"Of course, capturing you alive!" Looking at the Third Raikage, who was becoming excited again, Kizaru said with a smile.

Killing the Third Raikage at the border would only reap a wave of reputation, but capturing him alive and bringing him back to the village for a parade would allow Kizaru to continuously gain reputation.

Kizaru could distinguish the difference between a satisfying meal and a very satisfying meal!

You know, since the First Hokage Hashirama established the ninja village system, no one in the entire ninja world has achieved the feat of capturing the Kage of one of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

The First Hokage Hashirama had the ability, but he wouldn't do it.

As for Uchiha Madara, he had the power and the initiative, but he was stopped by Hashirama and couldn't do it.

So, within the decades of the establishment of the ninja villages, no one has achieved the achievement of capturing the leader of one of the Five Great Ninja Villages alive.

Now, Kizaru was about to achieve this unprecedented feat—capturing alive the leader of one of the Five Great Ninja Villages and a Tailed Beast!

"Impossible! I will never let you have your way!" The Third Raikage couldn't accept such an insult, and he also knew that once he fell into the hands of Konoha alive, the village would suffer a great loss.

If Kizaru killed him, it would only be a short-term chaos and pain for the village.

But if he were captured alive by Kizaru and brought back to Konoha, the village, united and loyal to him, would undoubtedly pay a great price to save him.

He would become the biggest weapon Konoha used against Kumogakure.

For this reason, the Third Raikage absolutely couldn't accept it.

After hesitating and struggling for a long time, for the survival of the village, the Third Raikage could only choose to surrender.

"Let go of my subordinates, spare the village, and I'm willing to become your captive, following you to Konoha." After saying this, this proud man bowed his head in front of Kizaru for the first time.

"That's great!" Satisfied, Kizaru turned his head to his left.

"Brother, there's a new employment opportunity now. Do you want to take it?"

Suddenly emerging from the ground, Kakuzu looked at Kizaru and asked, "What? How much money?"

"Escort the Third Raikage to Konoha, 20 million."

"Too little!" Although shocked by Kizaru's strength, Kakuzu never compromised when it came to money.

"This is a very easy mission!" Kizaru smiled and said, "The Third Raikage will cooperate very well."

Shifting his gaze to the now spiritless Third Raikage, Kakuzu knew that Kizaru was right.

"This time, I want cash!" After some thought, Kakuzu stated his request.



Hearing Kizaru's response, Kakuzu voiced his acceptance of this mission.

"But I also have a small request, I hope you can agree!"

"What?" Hearing that Kizaru had another request, Kakuzu frowned and asked.

"We won't take a straight route back to the village, nor hide our traces. We will go to every town along the route back with the Third Raikage."

"This guy is really ruthless!"

Looking at Kizaru, Kakuzu gained a deeper understanding of his character.

"Okay…" While internally complaining about Kizaru's ruthless approach, Kakuzu verbally agreed.

At the same time, Kakuzu also made a mental note never to be enemies with this guy in the future.

Killing was one thing, but toying with people's minds was really too brutal!

As the person standing beside Kizaru, the Third Raikage, after hearing Kizaru's arrangement, changed his expression, but quickly regained his composure.

Since he had already made the decision to sacrifice his reputation for the survival of the village, the Third Raikage didn't mind such an arrangement.

After arranging the escort, Kizaru looked towards the distant forest.

In the forest, Nagayasu, who had been rolling his eyes, stood there dumbfounded.

Through the Byakugan, he had witnessed Kizaru's entire battle, and his brain had already crashed.

Defeating the Third Raikage, engaging in close combat with the Two-Tails, and slaughtering the Kumogakure ninja forces.

These three things would be extremely difficult for anyone to achieve individually, yet Kizaru managed to do all three simultaneously in a single war.

Truly worthy of being the closed-door disciple of the Hokage, a genius with "First Hokage-level talent"!

At this moment, Nagayasu was even thinking about whether Kizaru's teacher, the Hokage, had the ability to achieve all three things in a single war.

"It's probably impossible!"

Recalling the scenes of Kizaru's recent battles, Nagayasu stuttered in his mind.

"Come out, Uncle Nagayasu!"

Suddenly hearing Kizaru's shout, Nagayasu abruptly snapped out of it.

Shaking his head, shaking off the disrespectful thoughts in his mind, Nagayasu, somewhat flustered, ran out of the forest and came to Kizaru's side.

"Inform the teams about the retreat, get ready to return to the village!" Looking at Nagayasu's dazed expression, Kizaru said with a beaming smile.

One who is prosperous does not forget their hometown, like a silk-clad person walking at night.

After achieving such significant feats in this battle, Kizaru naturally planned to return to the village early to boost his reputation.

However, before returning to the village, Kizaru still had one thing to do.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the Land of Lightning, Kizaru's smile on his face became even more radiant.

A person retiring amidst a thousand troops seems to be able to boast a bit!