Nozomi's Decision

Sensing Tetsu's chakra extinguishing, Nozomi's expression subtly changed.

Looking at the Two-Tails in Kizaru's arms, behaving obediently like a pet cat, Nozomi felt immense pressure.

Defeating Lord Raikage, subduing a tailed beast to become a pet – Nozomi was at a loss for words to describe Kizaru's existence.

Facing such an enemy, even with over two thousand ninjas on their side, Nozomi couldn't see the possibility of victory.

"Shimura Kizaru, by kidnapping Lord Raikage, are you trying to provoke a war between the Kumogakure and Konoha?" Walking to a position about 3 meters in front of Kizaru, Nozomi stopped and asked.

As a kind person, Kizaru couldn't tolerate such words.

"Wasn't the war initiated by you?" Playing with the Two-Tails in his hand, Kizaru asked with a smile.

"Release Lord Raikage, or else the tens of thousands of Kumogakure ninjas will declare war on Konoha, initiating an endless and relentless war!" Nozomi's face became serious as he spoke with a threatening tone. "At that time, Kizaru, you will be the culprit triggering this war!"

"So scary!" The smile on his face unchanged, Kizaru turned his head to the silent Third Raikage beside him. "Lord Raikage, your Kumogakure is ready to go to war against us; it's really terrifying!"

Hands hanging on both sides of his thighs, trembling fists formed, the Third Raikage looked at Nozomi with a sorrowful expression.

"Nozomi, as the Third Raikage, I command you to abandon the rescue mission, immediately return to the village with everyone, and select the Fourth Raikage to succeed my position."

"But sir!" Hearing the words of the Third Raikage, Nozomi's body shook, looking at the Raikage with eyes full of disbelief.

"Listen to my command, retreat!" When uttering the last two words, the Third Raikage seemed to have used up the last of his strength.

Mouth half-opened, watching the heavily injured Third Raikage, Nozomi looked again at Kizaru, who was holding the Two-Tails and sitting in a chair.

What kind of strength did this Konoha ninja named Shimura Kizaru have to make the proud and powerful Lord Raikage say such words?

As the village's Third in charge, Raikage's advisor and strategist, Nozomi was a very rational and calm ninja.

Considering the Raikage's performance and words, along with the reports from other retreating vanguard force ninjas, Nozomi knew what the correct choice was.

"Sir, I will definitely save you!" Watching the Third Raikage, Nozomi said solemnly.

After saying that, Nozomi looked again at the smiling Kizaru.

Taking a deep breath, facing Kizaru, Nozomi bowed 90 degrees and pleaded, "Please take care of Lord Raikage. We are willing to pay any price and negotiate with Konoha."

"Nozomi, are you going to defy my orders?" Seeing the scene he least wanted to witness, the Third Raikage said excitedly, "Consider me as already dead. Immediately return to the village and select a new Raikage!"

Raising his body again, Nozomi faced the Third Raikage and said firmly, "Sir, forgive me, but I can't accept that order!"

After that, Nozomi looked at Kizaru, pleading once again, "Lord Kizaru, please!"

"Ohohoho!" Laughing, Kizaru turned his head towards the Third Raikage, "He speaks more than you, Lord Raikage!"

Closing his eyes, the Third Raikage turned his head in another direction, falling into silence again.

"Lord Raikage, as such an esteemed guest, we will treat you well in Konoha. Rest assured and return!" Seeing that the Third Raikage ignored him, Kizaru said to Nozomi.

Hearing Kizaru's response, Nozomi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"For your mercy, I, on behalf of the Kumogakure, will remember it in our hearts!" Saying these words, Nozomi bowed slightly to Kizaru again to express his gratitude.

"Not bad!" Watching Nozomi leave, Kizaru said appreciatively.

Hearing the voices of the two conversing and the footsteps of Nozomi leaving, the Third Raikage, who had closed his eyes and turned his head, couldn't help but open his eyes.

Watching Nozomi's departing figure, the eyes of the Third Raikage turned red, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Nozomi, I'm sorry! I'm truly an incompetent leader!"

"Nozomi, you coward, are you trying to abandon the Raikage and run away?"

"There are only three of them; we can win!"

"You bastard, are you trying to seize power opportunistically?"

"Damn it!"

Surrounded by Nozomi, the elite Kumogakure ninja who heard Nozomi's order to retreat back to the village shouted angrily with an excited tone.

Maintaining a calm demeanor, knowing what was best for the village, Nozomi, faced with the red-eyed companions around him, calmly questioned, "Do you want the Raikage to die?"

"What are you talking about, you?" A high-ranking ninja from the Raikage clan squeezed through the crowd and walked up to Nozomi.

"The Konoha ninja across from us, Shimura Kizaru! He possessed the strength to defeat Lord Raikage and subdue a tailed beast simultaneously. Do you want to charge up there, get slaughtered, and force the Raikage to commit suicide?" By the end, Nozomi couldn't control his emotions, and his tone grew angrier as he shouted.

"We... we have so many people; we..."

"Then go! The enemy is right there, and the Raikage is right there. Move forward! Go and rescue the Raikage." Turning his body, Nozomi raised his right hand, pointing towards Kizaru in the distance. "Go! Go to your deaths! Go and force Lord Raikage to die!"

Clutching his hands tightly, the high-ranking ninja from the Raikage clan slowly lowered his head, resembling an angry rooster.

Trying hard to stay calm, Nozomi looked around, locking eyes with pairs that were only expressing emotions.

"If you still want to save Lord Raikage, if you're still ninjas of the village, then listen to my command and retreat, all of you!"

"Yes!" Under Nozomi's intensely oppressive gaze, the approaching ninjas reluctantly replied, lowering their heads.

Sitting in his position, seeing the Kumogakure ninja forces orderly retreating, Kizaru smiled and looked at the Third Raikage.

"It's truly enviable! You have an outstanding subordinate."

"Nozomi is the most outstanding ninja in the village!" Watching the distant forces retreat, the Third Raikage, who had put down his raised guard, expressed his feelings with a sigh.

"More outstanding than you?" Looking at the Third Raikage, Kizaru smiled and asked.

"More outstanding than me!" The Third Raikage replied firmly.

"A sinner like me, how can he be considered an outstanding ninja?" 

Third Raikage muttered to himself.

"No, you are also an excellent opponent!" Seeing through the thoughts in the Third Raikage's heart and having thoroughly enjoyed the fight with him, Kizaru praised with a smile.

"Me?" Muttering to himself, the Third Raikage shook his head with a sense of loss.

Leaving the chair and standing up, placing the Two-Tails from his arms on the chair, Kizaru reached out and patted the Third Raikage's shoulder.

"Don't belittle yourself, old man!"

After saying that, Kizaru stretched lazily and looked towards Kakuzu and Hyuga Nagakasu behind him.

"The event is over, prepare to return to the village!"

"Yes, Lord Kizaru!"

Excitedly looking at Kizaru, Hyuga Nagakasu could already imagine how much of a shock this return to the village would cause.

Kakuzu, on the other hand, had a calm expression, but deep down, he also felt a little excitement. After all, Kizaru's return to the village this time would settle his accounts.

30 million, 15 million, 20 million, 5 million, 70 million!

Just thinking about earning so much money in a few days, and having it immediately, `Kakuzu, who usually had a cold face, couldn't help but curl up his lips in a small smile.

"Humans are indeed despicable!"

Squatting on the chair, the Two-Tails, Matatabi, who had just enjoyed Kizaru's massage, was now glaring at Kizaru with big, cute eyes, dissatisfied.

"Treacherous humans! Despicable!"