Shocking Everyone

"Sarutobi, we need immediate reinforcement at the border! Kizaru alone can't hold on for too long."

In the meeting room, Homura and Koharu were speaking.

"I support En's proposal!" Sitting beside Homura, Koharu spoke in agreement.

Faced with the suggestions of two long-time comrades, Hiruzen did not speak immediately. He just silently smoked his cigarette.

In his heart, Hiruzen had a different perspective from the two. He had more confidence in his closed-door disciple.

Due to Hiruzen's silence, the three-person meeting room fell into a quiet state.

Danzo did not attend the meeting. It's not that he didn't care about Kizaru, but he was dispatched by Hiruzen to Amegakure to oversee all affairs.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen, even granted the right to declare war on the Amegakure.

At the same time, to train his three disciples, Hiruzen also arranged for them to follow Danzo, going to the front lines of Amegakure.

In this operation regarding Amegakure, Hiruzen had two main objectives: to prevent Amegakure and Hanzo from growing larger and to take the opportunity to hone the village's new forces.

Exhaling the smoke, under the gaze of Homura and Koharu, Hiruzen put down his smoking pipe and spoke.

"Be prepared, hold your ground, and wait for the border's intelligence!"

"Sarutobi, you can't let emotions cloud your judgment!" Homura's eyes were sharp, and he spoke with a serious tone.

"Homura, calm down! Hiruzen, as the Hokage, has his considerations!" Although Koharu was also worried, and she didn't entirely agree with Hiruzen's decision, she still spoke to calm Homura.

"As Kizaru's teacher, I have confidence in my disciple!" Facing Homura's gaze, Hiruzen said firmly.

"You will regret this, Hiruzen!" After saying this, knowing that he couldn't change Hiruzen's decision, Homura could only sit down unwillingly.

"Knock! Knock!"

Just as Homura had sat down, knocking on the door suddenly resounded.

"Come in!" Also just seated, Koharu calmly spoke.

The door was pushed open, and an ANBU ninja walked into the meeting room.

"Report, the latest information has come from the border! Shimura Kizaru single-handedly crushed the Kumogakure forces and captured the Third Raikage!" This ANBU ninja, who had just received the information, reported with a hint of excitement in his tone.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Homura, who had just sat down, was shocked by this sudden news and started coughing.

Meanwhile, Koharu, who was sitting next to him with an initially calm and somewhat worried expression, was replaced by astonishment and shock.

In the three-person meeting room, only Hiruzen maintained a calm demeanor outwardly. From the outside, he seemed to have anticipated this and wasn't surprised.

However, unlike Hiruzen, who pretended to remain calm, the two Hokage advisors had already stood up in amazement.

"Is the information accurate?" Unable to believe such an outrageous report, Homura questioned with disbelief.

"We have confirmed it multiple times. The information is accurate! The Third Raikage has been escorted to the outskirts of Konoha near the border." The ANBU, having found the information too absurd, also confirmed it from various sources before reporting it.

"Is there any other information?" Having calmed his emotions with a smoke, Hiruzen spoke and asked.


"Then, you may leave!"


After speaking, the ANBU ninja bowed and retreated from the meeting room, gently closing the door.

"It's truly awe-inspiring!" Watching the closed door, Homura expressed his amazement.

"This kid Kizaru has made a great contribution!" Showing a joyful expression, Koharu looked at Hiruzen, who was smoking. "Sarutobi, you've taught an extraordinary disciple."

"Hahaha!" Faced with the praise from an old friend, Hiruzen laughed heartily.

"It's really lively! Is there something happy going on, sensei?"

Just as Hiruzen burst into laughter, Kizaru's voice echoed from outside the window behind him.

Following that, a gentle breeze swept in, lifting the curtains, and Kizaru casually sat on the windowsill.

Hearing the movement behind him, Hiruzen, excited, stood up and turned to look behind him.

"Kizaru, you're back!" With a joyful expression, Hiruzen eagerly looked at his disciple behind him. "You... cough, cough, cough!"

Focusing on Kizaru's shoulder, Hiruzen, who was just smoking, widened his eyes and was choked by the smoke, causing him to cough.

A bit slower than Hiruzen and standing a bit farther away, Homura and Koharu also turned their heads towards the direction of the window.

As elite veteran ninjas, both of them, in the first moment, noticed the presence of the Two-Tails on Kizaru's shoulder.

"That cat!" Homura pointed to Kizaru's shoulder, his voice trembling a bit.

Following the gaze of the three people in the room, Kizaru lowered his head, glanced at the disdainful Two-Tails, and smilingly said, "This is Matatabi, my partner!"

Hearing Kizaru calling himself a partner, Matatabi's mouth curled up, showing a satisfied expression.

"Kizaru, is this the Two-Tails from the Kumogakure?" Hiruzen, who had fought multiple times with the Kumogakure, said with certainty.

"Indeed, sensei! You're truly remarkable to recognize it at a glance. It's terrifying!" Kizaru admitted directly.

Looking at each other, Homura and Koharu looked at Kizaru's shoulder, where the Tailed Beast was, with a somewhat apprehensive expression.

The Hokage Building is located at the center of the village. If a Tailed Beast were to go wild here, it would cause immeasurable damage.

Compared to the two advisors, Hiruzen, also known as "Ninja Commander," remained much calmer.

After carefully observing the Two-Tails, he looked back at Kizaru and spoke, "Kizaru, keep an eye on it. Don't cause any disturbances in the village."

"Don't worry, sensei!" Kizaru confidently replied while patting Yatari's head.

"I heard from the ANBU report that you captured the Third Raikage?" Hiruzen continued to ask.

"Yes, I've had Hyuga Nagayasu, a Jounin, lead a squad to escort the Third Raikage back to the village," Kizaru answered.

"Escorting the Third Raikage is of great importance. You should follow the escort squad." Looking at Kizaru, Homura frowned and said.

"Ah, it's such a hassle to escort and all." Ignoring Homura completely, Kizaru smiled and said.

"You..." Seeing Kizaru's attitude, Homura was a bit annoyed.

"Alright, Kizaru just returned. Don't say too much." Hiruzen spoke directly. "Homura, Koharu, you two can leave now!"

Without saying another word, Homura and Koharu could only leave the meeting room in silence.

When the two left, Hiruzen, who had been watching Kizaru, showed an even more joyful smile on his face.

"You've worked hard this time, Kizaru!"

Jumping down from the window, Kizaru stretched lazily and answered with a smile, "So, can I take a long vacation, sensei?"