Onoki Takes the Blame

Amegakure was engulfed in the flames of war, but Konoha remained a peaceful haven.

Thanks to Kizaru's defeat of the Kumogakure's attack, Konoha had experienced a period of relative tranquility.

Back in the village, Kizaru began his leisurely and carefree routine.

Drinking tea, fishing, and playing with Matatabi became his daily activities.

The presence of Matatabi was also discovered by the elders and ninja of the clan.

Initially, there was a mix of worry and curiosity among the villagers. However, after three days of peace, people felt more reassured about Matatabi.

Even the bold children of the village dared to approach Matatabi, curious and eager to ask questions.

Annoyed by the attention, Matatabi complained to Kizaru, as it was not allowed to reveal its true form in the village or harm anyone.

"Hey, I say, can't you control your people, Kizaru?" Walking into Kizaru's courtyard and seeing him sitting under a tree, sipping tea and reading a book, Matatabi complained.

"Take it as them really liking you, Matatabi!" Putting down his book and sipping tea, Kizaru replied with a smile.

"Annoying!" Complaining once more, Matatabi walked over to Kizaru, leapt onto the armrest of the chair, and, using its claws, casually grabbed a pastry and started eating.

"Matatabi, accompany me for a sparring session outside the village this afternoon." Watching Matatabi eating, Kizaru said with a smile.

Shaking its claws with the pastry in them, not caring about the pastry that fell, Matatabi immediately jumped down from the armrest.

"No!" Standing on the ground, Matatabi vigorously shook its head.

It wasn't surprising that Matatabi reacted so strongly. The previous two sparring sessions left a deep impression on it.

The first time, Kizaru suggested a wrestling match without using chakra, relying solely on physical strength.

During that session, Matatabi was thrown into a dizzying stupor by Kizaru!

The second time, Kizaru claimed to have learned a new ninjutsu and asked Matatabi to help with the practice.

Having learned from the first experience, Matatabi was initially planning to refuse.

However, facing the temptation of a feast and the promise of free-roaming outside the village, Matatabi couldn't resist and agreed.

Then, it was hit by Kizaru's monstrous strength technique and almost questioned its own existence.

After two consecutive blood-curdling lessons, Matatabi deeply understood: don't act recklessly, don't spar with Kizaru.

"Really disappointing!"

Matatabi refused, Sarutobi-sensei was too busy, and Sakumo had gone on a mission.

Kizaru, feeling a bit bored, realized that he couldn't find a sparring partner in the village during his stay.

Smiling while stroking his chin, Kizaru, who had recently fused with the peak physical abilities of the Admiral level, suddenly felt a bit excited at the prospect of the arrival of the Third Raikage.

At the moment when Kizaru was looking forward to the arrival of the Third Raikage, a piece of news arrived earlier than the Third Raikage.

Amegakure's `Hanzo, without repelling the Sunagakure, declared war on the Land of Fire.

When this news reached Konoha, everyone, including Kizaru who knew the plot, was bewildered, including the village's other high-ranking members, including the clan heads and elders, were dumbfounded by Hanzo's bold and somewhat crazy move.

Even the clan heads and elders of the Uchiha clan, who were always proud, ambitious, and full of aspirations for the position of Hokage, felt self-conscious about Hanzo's courage at this moment.

Who gave Hanzo the courage?

Was it Onoki?

Yes, it must be the support provided by the Land of Earth, which was adjacent to the Amegakure, that allowed Hanzo to operate so courageously.

With a major nation backing him, Hanzo's brave and somewhat insane actions could barely be justified.

Upon receiving this news, Hiruzen took it very seriously and immediately called a high-level meeting.

As the newly acclaimed hero of Konoha, the sole contributor to the village's victory over the Kumogakure, Kizaru was also invited.

The meeting included seven people in total, excluding Hiruzen. The attendees represented different factions within the village.

The Hokage faction, including Homura, Koharu, and Kizaru.

The leaders of the two major clans, Hyuga and Uchiha.

Representing the smaller ninja clans, the head of the Nara clan.

"There must be support from other major nations behind Hanzo's actions!" In the meeting, Homura, acting as the Hokage's advisor and staff, spoke first.

"Considering our recent victory over the Kumogakure and the capture of the Raikage by Kizaru, we can temporarily rule them out." Saying this, Homura instinctively looked towards Kizaru, who was sitting beside Hiruzen, with a smile on his face.

"The most likely possibilities remaining are the Land of Earth and the Land of Water. The Land of Water has long been closed off, rarely intervening externally. Therefore, the most likely supporter is the Land of Earth, specifically the Third Tsuchikage, Onoki. We must not underestimate him, whether in terms of strength or intelligence. The sudden declaration of war by Hanzo is likely a result of Onoki's manipulation from behind."

Confident in his analysis, Homura looked around the room after finishing his statement. Seeing many faces expressing agreement, he sat down satisfied.

"Does anyone else have any opinions?" As the host of the meeting, Hiruzen looked at the high-ranking members sitting on both sides, prompting for more input.

"I agree with Homura's analysis." Koharu, a long-time partner of Homura, voiced her support.

Nodding, Hiruzen looked at the others.

The leaders of the Hyuga and Uchiha clans, in unspoken agreement, remained silent, showing no intention to speak.

Hiruzen could only turn to the ally of the Sarutobi clan, the head of the Nara clan.

"Elder Homura's analysis is very reasonable." As a wise man, the head of the Nara clan, as an acknowledgment of Homura's analysis, began to share his own perspective.

"While the Land of Earth is indeed the most likely, we should not neglect the Land of Wind. The Third Kazekage is powerful and ambitious, always harboring desires for Konoha and the Land of Fire. I suspect that the war initiated by Hanzo against us and the Land of Wind might be a staged performance, and their real target could be us!"

"This is something I overlooked; indeed, there is a considerable possibility from the Land of Wind as well." Homura voiced his agreement.

"Hehe!" Watching the show and being aware of the plot, Kizaru couldn't help but laugh slightly after hearing their analysis.

Although Kizaru's voice was low, everyone present was elite ninja with keen perception, and they all heard it.

They turned their eyes to Kizaru, curious to know what insights he might have.

*Cough cough!* Clearing his throat to shift the attention back to himself, Hiruzen, with a somewhat helpless look at his disciple, spoke, "Kizaru, do you have any thoughts you can share with everyone? Today's meeting is an open discussion for everyone."

To be honest, I've been reading and catching up on updates using various apps, switching sources, and there's a variety of voice tones available, suitable for both Android and Apple.

Facing his teacher's question, Kizaru, with a smile on his face, said, "I just want to say, isn't there a possibility! Hanzo may be this brave without anyone backing him!"

"Impossible!" Reflecting on himself, Homura felt that in the world, no one could be that foolish!

"As far as I can see, the most likely supporter behind Hanzo is the Third Tsuchikage." Insisting on his judgment, Homura affirmed.

Smiling with narrowed eyes, Kizaru said to Homura, "Since Elder Homura is so confident, how about I bring back the Tsuchikage to the village and ask him directly? What do you think?"

"Who is confident after all?!"

Homura's mind was full of questions!

Others were also shocked by Kizaru's words. Considering Kizaru's recent achievements, they had to admit that he might actually do it.

"Don't be disrespectful, Kizaru. The Tsuchikage is not our enemy yet." Concerned that his disciple might become inflated due to defeating the Raikage, Hiruzen took the opportunity to advise, "The Third Tsuchikage, Onoki, possesses the unique Blood Release Dust Release, and his strength should not be underestimated. You must not take him lightly!"

"Just kidding, Sensei!" Facing Hiruzen's advice, Kizaru laughed and replied.