She’s Confused

Liam's POV:

It has been a week since I started working in the packhouse and has been 4 days since the last time I saw Anastasia.

Ruts usually last from 3 to 5 days, but I have never heard about an alpha that keeps going at it for all these days straight.

Anastasia is a rare breed for sure.

That beta girl Regina is nowhere to be seen too, her scent is still coming out of that room along with my mate's and the other betas' scents.

Just thinking of the fact that my mate is having sex with someone else and I am here cooking and unable to help her go through her rut and unable to stop her from touching those betas, is killing me from the inside slowly.

I glanced at my shoulder, watching Claire carefully placing strawberries on the icing.

I don't know what this woman is doing.

Each time I meet her in the kitchen, she tries some new recipe and as the good friend I am, I sit here with her and support her.

We became very good friends only in a week, I mean it's hard not to befriend someone who works with you all day every day and is also nice and funny.

" Look." I was pulled out of my daze when Claire suddenly gripped my shoulder and talked with shock clear in her voice tone.

I instantly moved my gaze to look at where she was looking, only to widen my eyes.

Regina aka the beta girl from the kitchen, passed out and was being carried by Caleb.

Not just Regina but also two male betas were carried by other guys as they were unconscious and were taken outside of the packhouse.

Apparently, they were heading to the hospital as I and Claire heard one of the guards say to his co-worker.

" Damn, the alpha must have been mad," Claire spoke while chuckling in disbelief.

Is Anastasia's rut that bad really?

I let out a long sigh as I stared back at what Claire was trying to do which was when Caleb aka the alpha's escort came into the kitchen " Liam, could you bring breakfast for the alpha to her room?"

My eyes instantly brightened as I looked at him before nodding "Yes, of course."

I quickly got up and started making a breakfast tray for her.

I missed her so much, I can not believe I am allowed to see her again in her room.

I made a big bowl of oatmeal with chia seeds pudding topped it with multiple fruits and finally added some chocolate drizzle, and nuts on top.

I made sure to make it as pretty as possible, then I made two cheese sandwiches and also fried three eggs with cottage cheese for more protein, then I added a big glass of orange juice and of course finally her coffee and another glass of milk.

I know this is a lot for one person but I'm really worried about her health which is why I decided to make a lot of food so that she can eat as much as possible.

The rut consumes a lot of energy… The reason is obvious.

This is why I need to make sure she eats well.

" Wow, is that a breakfast or a whole feast?" Claire asked while chuckling at the huge amount of food on the tray that I was holding.

I bit down my lower lip in an attempt not to show my concern for my mate " Well, you know how hard ruts can be. I think the head alpha would need as much food as she can eat after."

Claire seemed to agree as she patted my shoulder " You are right. I think at this rate, the head alpha will make you her personal cook."

I froze there for a second, that sounded so good.

I'm not talking about being a personal cook, I mean the part where I will be Anastasia's someone.

With a flashed red face, I walked toward the elevator and pressed on number four which was the floor where Anastasia's room was.

I glanced at my reflection on the elevator mirroring walls, then I quickly fixed my hair and clothes to make sure I looked good.

I would be lying if I said I don't look good, both body and face.

I'm very grateful for that, at least I'm good-looking.

I chuckled to myself as I looked at my side profile to make sure my man bun looked nice before walking out of the elevator.

" You came already. You can come inside, the alpha is in the bathroom so if you could just leave this on the nightstand and wait until she dismisses you, that would be great. If you are busy, I can wait instead." Spoke Caleb.

Okay, maybe I don't hate this guy that much, it's just my heart that keeps feeling heavy each time I remember that another male alpha saw my mate naked after she shifts and also gets to accompany her everywhere.

" No, it's okay. I don't mind waiting." As if I'm dumb to let this chance of being in the same room as Anastasia go to waste not only that but also he wants me to agree to let him wait for her until she finishes using the bathroom instead of me.

No, thank you.

I need to calm my tits, the poor guy is literally just doing his job and he is mated, but I can not control my possessiveness and jealousy over her, it just hurt even more because I can't do shit about it.

As I entered her room, I closed my eyes, breathing in her pheromones which completely calmed my nerves.

She is not in the room but I can hear the water running in the bathroom which means she is showing.

" This is heaven," I mumbled as I placed the tray on one of the nightstands beside that huge bed.

As I stood there, gulping and staring at her bed.

I would give my life to sleep on this bed, surrounded by her pheromones all night.

I closed my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest, trying to focus on hiding my wolves who were causing a mess in my mind.

I heard her voice, clearing her throat behind me.

When did she finish her shower?

I seriously was too focused on my wolves and so mesmerized by her scent to the point that I did not even hear when the water turned off.

I instantly turned around, oh God, I wish I did not turn around.

Anastasia stood three feet away from me, dressed in a robe that did not even reach her knees, its belt was knotted around her waist, showing off how tiny it was.

The robe was not closed completely I could see her cleavage and collarbones which is why I instantly lowered my gaze, feeling how blood rushed to my face.

Oh, no.

My body is burning, I can feel my ears reddening.

I gulped and tried to hold myself together as I lifted my head looking at her expressionless, beautiful, and perfect face, only to find her busy tapping her long hair dry and waiting for me to talk and explain why I was here " I brought your breakfast, alpha."

She hummed, sending shivers down my spine before walking right past me which made me close my eyes and breathe as much as I could from her scent.

" This is a lot." She spoke in a monotonous tone, I immediately flashed my eyes open and turned around, only to find her staring at the tray emotionlessly and still tapping her hair dry.

" Yes, I know ruts can be rough and too much energy-consuming. This is why I tried to make something filled with protein, carbs, fiber, and vitamins for you."I spoke, and I did stutter a couple of times but she did not seem to mind.

She glanced at me before putting the tower away and sitting on the bed.

I wanted to scream when the robe exposed more of her thighs.

Again I moved my gaze away because I knew that staring at her was no good for me.

She grabbed a spoon and tasted the oatmeal and chia pudding that I made for her.

She glanced at me once again before taking another spoonful of it, only to take the third, fourth, and fifth which made me so happy knowing that she liked it.

She also ate one of the cheese sandwiches after she added the eggs to them.

You have no idea how I felt as I watched her eat and enjoy the food that I made for her.

She didn't touch the orange juice but she did drink the glass of milk which isn't that bad.

While drinking her milk, she glanced at me again, her eyes moved all over my face, chest, shoulders, waist, hips, thighs, and legs and moved all the way up again to my face.

I can literally see in her eyes how she is internally wonderful and how this ginormous man in front of her could be an omega.

She isn't wrong, omegas usually tend to be much smaller in size, more feminine looking, more physically weak, and then boom here I am 6'6 feet muscled man as wide as a door, and my biceps are bigger than her whole waist, standing in her room after I said I'm an omega.

No wonder she's confused, hell I myself am confused.

I can't understand how a body like mine carries pups and goes through heat.