Clean It, Snow

Liam's POV:

While making lunch, Alexander insisted on staying with me and I did not mind at all because he is a very nice kid.

" Eat these, Alex," I said after I sliced and peeled two green apples for him and added a good amount of Greek yogurt on top of the apples.

He nodded and obediently placed his Iron Man toy on the seat next to him before starting to eat the apples.

I cooed at how adorable he was and could not help not to mess up his hair then I went back to cooking with Claire who watched us with a grin on her face " You are good with kids."

I nodded agreeing with her.

I love kids as I said, if in any lifetime, I was brave enough to tell Anastasia that I was her mate and if a miracle happened and she accepted me, I would want to have seven kids with her.

Yeah, I want my own football team.

I smiled when I imagined how huge our family would be.