Different Shades

-Liam's POV

I stood there like an idiot with my hard-on, staring at her.

She was not even looking at me but somehow was able to tell I was there.

She can't even smell me so how?

I tugged my shirt out of my pants and stretched it so that it would hide the tent in my pants before approaching her " You said the pack is not safe anymore for anyone to roam around. That's why I followed you to make sure you and Alex are safe."

I fidget with my hands while looking at the ground.

She grabbed my forearm and dragged me with her.

I just followed her.

Whilst we were walking, she suddenly spoke " You are still not trained, Snow. Don't leave the packhouse again without my permission."

I hummed, agreeing.

I'm not really agreeing but I can not afford to piss her off.

Her hold around my forearm loosened when we finally reached the packhouse.