Calm Before The Storm

Deep in the woods, the night was enveloped in darkness, its inky tendrils stretching out in every direction.

The air was heavy with an eerie stillness, broken only by the distant howls of wolves and the rustling of leaves underfoot.

Liam found solace against the rough bark of a tree, his back pressed firmly against it.

Anastasia groaned lowly, her movements slow and tentative as she fought to regain consciousness.

Liam held her arms, offering stability and support, his eyes searching hers for any sign of recognition.

And then, Anastasia's eyes opened, revealing a glimmer of awareness.

Confusion clouded her gaze as she surveyed the aftermath of the battle, the lifeless bodies of wolves strewn across the forest floor.

Her gaze finally settled on Liam, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "Snow, is that you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.