June 6th

Anastasia had barely taken her seat at the breakfast table when a frantic Caleb came barreling into the room, eyes wide with urgency.

"Two warriors are fighting to the death outside!" he panted, skidding to a halt. "There is an omega trapped between them. I have no clue what the problem is."

Xavier and Liam exchanged a grim look, instantly rising to their feet as the gravity of the situation sank in.

Without a word, they swiftly led the charge outside, the others hot on their heels and Anastasia bringing up the rear with mounting trepidation.

In the expansive courtyard, two colossal werewolves were locked in vicious combat - one from Midnight Shores, the other bearing the unmistakable markings of the Luna pack.

Snarls and vicious snapping jaws filled the air as they grappled savagely, claws raking through thick fur and drawing crimson lines.